Could someone please explain the new "light"on the"generation" .

by yesidid 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Before 95: It was taught that "the generation" that saw the beggining of the end (alive and old enough to be aware in 1914) would also see the system of things come to it's final end at Armageddon. This was taken fron the scriptures in Matthew chapter 24 that speak of the "composite sign".

    In 95, they wrote an article in the WT saying that "the generation" was not any particular group of people, but rather, those who would witness Armageddon. Could be anybody, anytime. Now it no longer matters if the literal generation alive in 1914 is dying off.

    Get it? They are painfully aware that those alive in 1914 are almost all dead and gone. If they did not pass on this"new light", then thier precious 1914 teaching would have no meaning and they would look like fools. The way things stand now the "end" can come tomorrow or in bijjilion years.

    If you read the scrip. it is obviously speaking of a literal generation.

    So, if you believe the 1914 teaching (which requires you use the historically incorrect year 607BCE) and read the scripture correctly the end is nigh!

    Me, I think it's all a bunch of hooey.


  • yesidid

    How's that?

    OK Gary that was good, but I am sure you can do better.


  • yesidid

    Me, I think it's all a bunch of hooey.

    So do I Changling.

    But how do the "Anointed" and "generation" come together?


  • changeling

    Are you referring to the change about 1935 from the May 1, 2007 WT?

    They previously taught that the number of annointed was sealed in 1935 and that after that date all new ones would be members of the "great crowd", with the rare exception of replacement annointed ones, should one of that number fall away. That is why if anyone who came in to the org. after 1935 started to partake they were looked upon with skepticism.

    As of May of this year, they have said they do not know when the number was sealed or if it was sealed. This opens the door for more to declare they are annointed.

    Again, this postpones "the end" indefinitely. Before, they kept a close eye on the dwindling 8,000 or so annointed hoping that their declining numbers were an indication that the end was near. Now it's anybody's guess (as it always should have been).

    They call this "new light", instead of saying: "Sorry guys, we've been mistaken all along".


  • AuldSoul

    1874-1931: "this generation" means those living who saw the Arrival of Christ in 1874, the Enthronement 3.5 years later (in 1878), and the end of the world in 1914 (later changed to a "spiritual ending") and the fulfillment during this time (1874-1914) of all the sign given in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. This understanding began to blur into the "new" understanding in 1929, four years after the failed "Millions" predictions of returning Ancient Worthies.

    1929-1941: "this generation" means those living who saw the tumultuous "Time of Trouble" begin. Although this time was not nailed to a certain date the older Bible Students/JWs took it to mean 1874 while the younger set were being groomed to focus more on 1914.

    1941-1954: "this generation" is specified to refer to those who were witnesses to the Enthronement of Christ in heaven in 1914 (1878 having been dropped ages before) and the associated commencement of the Time of Great Trouble on earth. This generation would not die until Armageddon had come, as the final stage of the Great Tribulation.

    1954-1995: "this generation" is still tied to the witnessing of Christ's enthronement in 1914, but there is some waffling throughout these years on whether this is associated in any way with the Great Tribulation until, eventually, the Great Tribulation was pushed forward as a yet future event.

    1995-2007: "this generation" refers to those who witness the wicked, twisted generation of mankind upon whom final destruction will come. Its commencement is no longer associated with a fixed time, nor does it have any rational terminus—despite the fact that a rational terminus is implicit in the phrase "shall not pass away" which follows.

    2007: apparently refers to the remnant of the 144,000 yet remaining, including the recent GB additions who are in their 50s and others who are similarly regarded as validly anointed by reason of having passed the litmus test of the sitting GB conjecturing it so. This means, as long as the GB can keep formally recognizing new anointed (via appointment to the GB) they can keep this dogma afloat. Why this doesn't smack every single JW as parlor trick mental manipulation I have no idea. But, my brain was massaged a few good rounds when I was in, too, so I can't really be too critical.

  • oompa

    AuldSoul, how does your understanding of your post re1995-2007:

    Its commencement is no longer associated with a fixed time, nor does it have any rational terminus

    fit in with this original WT explanation:




    Does our more precise viewpoint on "this generation" mean that Armageddon is further away than we had thought? Not at all!

    Now if I recall, "we had thought" there was a "fixed time" and a "rational terminus" linked directly to to 1914. Yet all along, ever since 1995, WT says armageddon is no further away that we had thought.

    any explanation anyone......oompa....ahh the mysteries of WTBS

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Great breakdown of the previous explainations. While the details of the new change in the generation explaination need to be flushed out, I think its probably going to make as much since as the post 1995 explaination.

    The 1995-2007 version was so convoluted and open-ended, I'm not sure why they are changing it. Many people I know who are seeming loyal JWs didn't buy the 1995 change and have told me so. Most actually still believe the previous version yet have no explaination for why that generation is pretty much dead now.

    I'm really curious where they are going with this.

  • GoingGoingGone
    I'm really curious where they are going with this.

    They are going to try to dig themselves out of the hole they've put themselves in. By saying that the number of annointed was not sealed in 1935, they can keep adding more annointed ones. The end is permanantly close!

    I think they will try to replace the 1914 doctorine with this new light on the new annointed. It keeps the flock focused on the present, on today, instead of counting years from 1914 and trying to figure out how long a human being can possibly live.


  • JWdaughter

    NY44M said: "I also have read the threads on the new light. It does not makes sense. Perhaps because I no longer think in jdub, for what ever reason it makes no sense. If someone can explain, I thank you."

    It doesn't make sense because, really, it doesn't make sense. None of you are 'retards' (hate that word!). Their teachings are always convoluted and ridiculous and it comes down to accepting what they say or rejecting Jehovah. In their little world anyway.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    THIS GENERATION was used by Jesus multiple times and if you examine all but the key one in question, the usage was uniform and ALWAYS referred to ONE group of people, those ALIVE at the time of Jesus actual earthly ministry... there seems to be some historical referrances that indicate that first century christians understood it this way reguarding the generation which would not pass away... until of course they did... then they FIRST NEW LIGHT on the subject likely flashed forth... since to believe otherwise would make Jesus a false prophet...and that was unthinkable for those who were selling him so hard.

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