My parents just came back from the annual bethel meeting in Brooklyn. They said only 3 of the GB were there. They felt the need to inform me of everything even though I was in a blur watching TV. When I heard now not all the anointed have to be off the earth before the end comes.. I had to ask them how they decided to come up with that idea? My mom said cause they are Jehovah's chosen ones. So he talks to them now... Well no they have holy spirit so they know. The end is coming blah blah blah... There is going to be a cleansing of the congregations. They gave the illustration of the dragnet.. I haven't been to a meeting since I was 17. I laugh in their face when they have no response except the light gets brighter.. Yet they refuse to believe I want nothing to do with the congregation. My brother told them I was an "apostate". I told them they didn't know the meaning of the word. But according to websters I definitely was.Then my mom said oh don't say that ! Haha Sorry a little off track... Has anyone heard of any other ridiculous teaching from this meeting?
Annual Bethel Meeting
by indahsempurna 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks for posting that. I had hoped some "leaks" of what was said would come out.
Your folks take on it was that there will be a "cleansing" of the congregations. I guess
that means they are prepared for the numbers to go down. Profits will come from
selling property rather than fleecing a growing flock.Also, it sounds like they are trying to deal with growing "anointed" numbers while they
have some new members in undeveloped countries. So your parents take is that there
will be anointed around when the end arrives around the next corner. That's nothing new,
but it shows that they are reminding others of that doctrine. Can't let them stop thinking
the end is imminent just because the numbers don't add up. -
This is about the 4th thread on this topic. What it shows is that there is definitely some new light from this Meeting
Sounds like they see a clearing out of the congregations. Good. Good.
OTWO, I LOVE this!!!
"Your folks take on it was that there will be a "cleansing" of the congregations. I guess
that means they are prepared for the numbers to go down." -
Sarah Smiles
They have been saying that since the 60s! Cleansing before the end comes! Always represents Jehovah's people are not really Jehovahs people and so they leave. It s like becareful with sheeps in wolves clothing, they use to say it could be someone sitting next to you. Also, the new light about some 144,000 will make it through Arm, they been saying that too. It's nothing new!
Yeah! that term apostate is a hard one! Even the dictionary meaning I think is different than the bible. I think the bible is someone who goes against Christ, instead of someone who leaves their congregations. Prior to Jehovah Witness, I wonder what religion did your parents belong? If they belong to another religion that would make them an apostate! Who chooses who is an apostate? man or Jesus? I think Jesus! It really is wrong to MARK people with this name! That like calling someone the antichrist! Anyhow, I bet it was a cuss word in Paul's time. I resent the misuse of this word from the WTBTS and their followers. Here, I do not care. LOL
cleansing of the congregations.
Fallout from the many lies.
2007 will be the year of the fallout from the Pedophile & Blood scandals. Problems all created by the Governing Body.
At least the Governing Body knows what's coming. -
I really appreciate you starting this thread to share what you heard with us. Would it be possible next time to turn the tv down and take detailed notes (ok not on paper or anything but mentally)? This is not a meeting very many JWs get to attend - in fact it's down right slim pickin's on who goes. Any and all information is valuable.
Again, thank you so much for sharing.
There is going to be a cleansing of the congregations.
Good Lord, what is going to be in the "members-only" WTs that has them preparing the flock for massive defections? Are they preparing for "major surgery" to allow their own survival?
Seems to indicate they may be drawing a firmer line in the sand, they would rather have 4 or 5 millions firecely loyal followers than 7 million that includes a large contingent just hanging on.
Seems to indicate they may be drawing a firmer line in the sand, they would rather have 4 or 5 millions firecely loyal followers than 7 million that includes a large contingent just hanging on.
And I would rather have 4 or 5 hundred hanging on by a thread, not being able to make any progress whatsoever, and dying off unfulfilled while everyone else defects. I would like to see it get down to a couple hundred, and then have them ostracized for what they are doing to the children that are brought up in this religion.