Annual Bethel Meeting

by indahsempurna 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa
    When I heard now not all the anointed have to be off the earth before the end comes.. I had to ask them how they decided to come up with that idea?

    Hasn't this been taught for a very long time? I think it is even earlier than the Grand Climax book, but I am pretty sure it is in there and it is like 20 years old.

    When did we start teaching that they would not all fly to heaven before GODS WAR????.....oompa

  • SnakesInTheTower

    and to think I actually was going to try to go a few years ago..... what a load of garbage.... something is coming down the pipeline (sewage)

    oh...and a belated welcome inda..... (newbie....I am newer than you.... You signed up in April 06 and waited to post the first time a year later? least it was easy to read your post history)

    Snakes ()


    Quote: "....they are Jehovah's chosen ones." ?????????????

    According to the Bible, only the Jew's are His chosen ones. Sorry, but I don't think any JW is a chosen one. Those who think they are of the anointed, apparently think they are in heaven already, actually more like, lost in space.


  • blondie

    The WTS teaches that the wedding of the bride and the lamb takes place shortly after the GT starts. and all of the anointed must be in heaven.



    Evidently, though, "the marriage of the Lamb" does not take place until after judgment has been executed upon "Babylon the Great." (Re 18) After describing the destruction of this "great harlot," Revelation 19:7 says: "Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself." When all the 144,000 have been finally approved and "sealed" as faithful ones and have been resurrected to the heavens, the marriage can proceed.



    Most of these anointed ones have already died, with heavenly life in view. Some are still alive on earth. All eagerly look forward to the heavenly "marriage of the Lamb." The Bible links that marriage to the time of the approaching great tribulation—the destruction of Babylon the Great, and then the elimination of the rest of Satan’s system.—Revelation 18:2-5; 19:2, 7, 11-21; Matthew 24:21.



    Today, however, the remnant of spiritual Israel on earth must go on decreasing. (Contrast John 3:30.) Finally, after the demise of Babylon the Great, all 144,000 ‘sealed ones’ will be in heaven for the marriage of the Lamb. (Revelation 7:1-3; 19:1-8)

    So is the WTS reasoning that this marriage will take place with some of the anointed on earth, not in heaven for this glorious event???????????????

  • lawrence

    With Larry, Moe, and Curly there - the Shekinah burned even brighter! Blind leading the blind into a pit.

  • fresia

    Iv'e heard this before, when I first came into the org back in the seventies they said that Jehovah was cleaning out the organization that includes congregations of course, this was because of the great departure of b/s after the 1975 fiasco, they said Jehovah is cleaning out the goats from the sheep that is why so many are leaving.

    Think the same thing happened in the eithties and early ninties. So maybe many are leaving and that is what their saying Jehovah is again cleaning out the org, thing is when is going to start at the top.

  • zack

    Someone very close to me attended this meeting and I have not heard a peep from them. Making they think the cleansing is starting with me? Or maybe they woke up Sunday morning after all the BS on Saturday and decided to get the hell out.

    It does sound like there is something afoot that will shake up the ranks. Good. They need shaking up.

  • anewme

    I can see I can never go back even if I wanted to.

    I can no longer blindly accept gobbledy goop from religious charlatans.

    I use to overlook it as harmless, but I was wrong.

    There are proper things, people and organizations to hate.


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