I often read various attempts at explanations of whatever changes the Watchtower Society comes up
with that suggest a collective intelligence greater than anything I've actually observed.
When I left Bethel, many years ago, I believed that Jehovah was guiding this organization because I
didn't see much depth of intelligence in the Governing Body. The success of the organization seemed
to be unrelated to the intellect of its leaders. What I failed to realize was how successful they are in
covering up scandal and how easy it is to lead equally dumb people. It's not a miracle.
Don't overthink the motives of these uneducated, biased, superficial clods. They aren't Fu Manchu
or scheming Illuminati - just ex-window washers and circuit riders - or the "cracker cheese men"
who greet you in Sam's club.
If they come up with a new "generation", it's likely merely to justify appointing whatever shills they
have to 'anointed ' positions indefinitely. If they dump the Awake, it's to save money or because
they hate this embarrasing rag and want it to go away. If they need real thinking, the lawyers
can handle that for them. Real thinking is a chore for these bozos. Crisis of Conscience is a real
eye opener as to the depth of their 'wisdom'.