Elder's School what is it?

by 5go 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Dyslexic Elders of the World......UNTIE!!!

  • NewYork44M
    There was an issue of whether you could count time studying with a person with multiple personalities. I forget if you can count a study with each personality, but it was an interesting concept

    You have got to be kidding! You are kidding, right? This is a joke?

    That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! lol

    I kid you not. Perhaps someone can verify this topic at the elder's school circa 1995. For me, the highlight was being able to go to the sister's bathroom at the assembly hall. Since it was all "male" we were able to use any bathroom available. Guess where I went.

  • sir82

    Studying with multiple personalities, I don't recall that one.

    I do recall questions regarding whether you should disfellowship someone with multiple personalities, who then says in the judicial committee, "but it wasn't me who committed fornication, it was Sybil!"

    I think the answer was, "Too bad - D-F their heinie!"


    Two days of scenarios, operating procedures, reminders, and encouragement. Nothing more.

    Sorry to disappoint you guys.

  • zack

    It's also an opportunity for the ultra-righteous to show their stripes. At the last one a hypothetical was asked by the CO about a brother being away from home and staying at a hotel where porn was available on TV. What might a mature christian do in this situation? And then he opened the floor for responses. They were pretty hilarious.

    It might be advisable to not even turn the TV on.

    It would be good to request a room with out a TV.

    Ask the hotel to block any porn channels.

    Put the television outside the room (I was cracking up at this one--- like a scene from poltergeist the movie)

    I was thinking, WTF? Since when did an appliance become so sinister?? And the CO loved it all. He just smiled and nodded and arched his eyebrows like it was all so much

    good food for thought.

    What a waste of my life!!!! Thank you Ray Franz! Thank you JWD! Thank you Randy! FREEDOM NEEDS NO PASSPORT!


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