I am in an ABBA mood tonight

by NewYork44M 49 Replies latest social entertainment

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Just because they are from the '70's doesn't make them "bad." They were GREAT! Disco was great, too! What is bad now that you will talk down about 20 years later? What made them great? They became very famous and sold millions of records. It is measured in $$$, although I measure it in talent. They have it.

  • BrentR

    You guys just gave me an idea for my holloween costume. There are a couple bars in seattle that might even let me in.


  • Gopher

    Brent, that is HILARIOUS.

    Which one would you be on Halloween?

  • BrentR

    The one holding the blonde.

    I wonder if those briefs chaffe at all?

    I found a hat that will round out my ensemble nicely. What do you guys think? Should I lose the tiara and maybe glam it down a bit?

  • changeling

    I kind of a closet ABBA fan myself!

    I'm glad BigDreux has been busy working lately 'cause I know he'd have a field day with this thread! LOL


  • whyamihere

    I absolutely LOVE ABBA!

    Fernando, Waterloo, S.O.S, Dancing Queen, Take a Chance on me, Mamma Mia.

    I remember in High School, my friends and I dressed up as ABBA for Halloween(I was a naughty JW). I really need to bring back the white boots.....lol

    We mocked this pic! It was hilarious.

  • sweetstuff

    This thread just made my day! I am not the only Abba fan out there! I usually get snickers when I mention how much I love them.

  • Uzzah

    <snicker> <snicker>

  • tijkmo

    when my sister was getting her house renovated there was on one afternoon 4 guys working away - the plumber, the joiner, the electrician, and me prepping for decorating...

    it was sunny so i opened all the windows and put abbas greatest hits on.....how gay was that...

    ..my fave...their last single - the day before you came..

    someone once pointed out that what was remarkable about abba was that english was not their first language and yet the songs were written in english with a complete understanding of the vocabulary needed to make lyrics rhyme and make sense...difficult enough in someones mother tongue.

  • poppers
    Who's ABBA? Do they sing that "afternoon delight" song?

    No, that was sung by The Starland Vocal Band.

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