thanks for that download, its a very intresting read.Does anyone know if the society outright announced that 1975 would be the end because looking at the watchtower program most just sugest it could happen.Although a watchtower from 15 october 1966 titled-rejocing over gods sons of liberty says under the heading -thrilling discourses :it did not take the brothers long to find the chart on page 31 showing 6000 years mans experience end in 1975.Discussion of 1975 overshadowed everything else.The new book compels us to realize that armaggedon is very close indeed ,said a conventioner.Surely it was one of the outstanding blessings to be carried home. Blessings: seems like the watchtowers blessings turned into a curse when everyone left in droves.
Questions by JWs in 1976
by Doug Mason 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I hope that some will notice that questions posed 30 years ago are the same questions JWs are asking today. This should tell them that the organization will never listen to their questions.
Yes, it struck me, too, that many questions are the same ones we would ask today. The wheels at Brooklyn grind at the speed of a melting glacier............and their responsiveness is zilch..
Does anyone have any further information? The link no longer works.
PM me your e-mail address. I'll mail you the pdf of this letter tomorrow morning!
How do I receive this info ? the link doesn`t seem to work
Could someone post a new link please?
I want this link too!
How did I miss this five years ago. Yes please --the link
TJ Curioso
I want the link toooo…
Please, send me to: [email protected]
Link does not work. Opps the Borg is watching!