The End Is Near And Other Pickings from the November UK Kingdom Ministry

by AlphaOmega 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlphaOmega

    Time Is Reduced:

    We also want to spend our time wisely because "the time left is reduced." (1 Cor. 7:29-31) Very soon now this old system of things will end. Opportunities to participate in the great in-gathering of sheeplike ones during the "harvest of the earth" will end. (Rev. 14:15) We must be-careful not to allow life's anxieties and distractions to rob us of time that would be better spent in the ministry. (Luke 21:34, 35) How satisfying it will be to look back knowing that we had a full share in the harvest!

    Question Box

    Is it appropriate to affix our personal email address to literature that we distribute?

    By means of a stamp or a printed label, some publishers have affixed their personal email address to the magazines or tracts that they place with others. Those who accept the literature are then able to contact the publisher to request additional information. Such efforts to help interested ones are well-intentioned. However, our official website is already indicated on the back of the magazines and tracts. Therefore, it is best if we do not affix a personal email address to the literature.
    Whether a publisher provides people in the territory with contact information on a separate piece of paper, especially when making return visits, is a personal decision. We should take the initiative to call back on those who are interested instead of just leaving it up to them to contact us for more information. Genuine personal interest can be more readily manifested when speaking with the person face to face.

    This reminds me of the genius poster here who wrote the web addresses of "apostate" sites.

    If not already prepared, all publishers are urged to complete an Advance Decision to Refuse Specified Medical Treatment document. This legal document protects your right to refuse blood transfusions. Elders will provide personal assistance as needed.—See the November 2006 Our Kingdom Ministry insert.

    Sorry unable to scan at the moment - but thought that I'd share these samplings with you all.


  • Rooster

    "Because of the dispensational change taking place at this time, Bible study was never so important as now!"

    Brooklyn, N. Y., October 1, 1921. Preface of "The Harp of God"

  • minimus

    Same old shit. Just a different day.


    "sheeplike one"s ????? That's the problem. They never seeked out the real sheep.


  • poppers
    How satisfying it will be to look back knowing that we had a full share in the harvest!


  • sspo

    They forgot to mention that the end is just around the corner and it's time to sell your belonging and start pioneering.

  • oompa

    Alpha is there any dif normally in your Km and USA? Thanks for the info, but check out one of my fav WT quotes:




    In the early 1920’s, a featured public talk presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses was entitled "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." This may have reflected overoptimism at that time. But today that statement can be made with full confidence. Both the increasing light on Bible prophecy and the anarchy of this dying world cry out that the end of Satan’s system is very, very near!

    This is the only double very near in WT history!!!! and that was in 97, so could your single "very" mean it is not as close now?????


  • journey-on

    The scripture they used: (1 Cor. 7:29-31)

    "Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced.

    Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none....".........uh?

  • BluesBrother

    Compare with what they said 57 years ago ! (time in which to grow up, have kids, see them grow up, have grandchildren, start to feel old)

    w50 2/1 p. 44 par. 24 Turning the Remaining Time to Profit ***

    Each day makes the "appointed time" shorter. Each day presents opportunities to proclaim God’s name and purpose that will never be repeated. And each day faithful ministers are buying up their opportunities, with the result that a growing throng is halting from the headlong plunge that the nations are taking toward destruction. ............................. In the thousands of years ahead in which you may enjoy the blessings which Jehovah has in store for those who serve him, you will never have cause to regret that you were among those who ‘did not act thoughtlessly, but, like sensible men, made the most of your opportunities in these evil, shortly-to-end times

    BTW Why are they ok about putting your name and phone number on a sample mag.."a personal choice" but not ok with an e mail address? Do they not want the interested ones using the Internet???

  • eclipse
    Therefore, it is best if we do not affix a personal email address to the literature.

    They gave NO good reason for that.

    They just dont want us to dispense apostate messages

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