It is obvious, therefore, that we do not want you anywhere near a computer. Such computer use could lead to the viewing of apostate literature.
"sheeplike one"s ????? That's the problem. They never seeked out the real sheep.
by AlphaOmega 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
It is obvious, therefore, that we do not want you anywhere near a computer. Such computer use could lead to the viewing of apostate literature.
"sheeplike one"s ????? That's the problem. They never seeked out the real sheep.
Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none....".........
I've known guys like that.........we call them 'scoundrels'.....
I just love this place. Quotes from the new KM? Priceless.
When the scan of the Sept KM was posted, I put it on a site where witnesses post. I was ripped a new one for even having the new KM before THEY DID!
How did I get it? Why would I want to even read it? It's not meant for non-witnesses!
Now to combine this with the old quotes for them. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
In the early 1920’s, a featured public talk presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses was entitled "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." This may have reflected overoptimism at that time. But today that statement can be made with full confidence. Both the increasing light on Bible prophecy and the anarchy of this dying world cry out that the end of Satan’s system is very, very near!
Very interesting quote, oompa.
They are basically saying, "We are guilty of wishful thinking, and we've imposed our fantasies on you and presented them as facts. But, dammit, we want you to believe us again anyway, because this world is so awful it just has to be destroyed!"
The scripture they used: (1 Cor. 7:29-31)
"Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced.
Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none....".........uh?
Dang journey on, thanks for the heads-up/go-ahead/green-light! I never thought about that, and my wife is out of town for a week.....whooo-hooo....oompa
Therefore, it is best if we do not affix a personal email address to the literature.
They gave NO good reason for that.
They just dont want us to dispense apostate messages
Funny isnt eclipse, for years it was ok to put your phone # on it. Then the only thing that might happen is a perv call you, or someone tell you something negative or truthful about the truth. But now with an could actually receive truthful documents/history/old wacky WT teachings etc. and perhaps from a ton of us....oompa
but why a seperate piece of paper????? holy paper it is??? And dont they totally slam phone witnessing with their face to face comment???? what the i hated that, but used to get the whole group pumped up while witnessing to amazingly interested dial tones!
Did you ever notice that every time there's a question posed,
the answer is ALWAYS NO!!
ReBornAgain :
"sheeplike one"s ????? That's the problem. They never seeked out the real sheep.
It reminds me of how they say that "they are the closest thing to the truth"...
But, surely to know that you are closest, you MUST know what the truth is... ao why settle for closest is you know what the truth is ?
I'm afraid that I don't know how different the US version of the KM is to the UK version of the KM... (wow loads of initials).
I don't have any reason to believe that it would be any different except for the "deliveries" info etc.
Actually, if the "end is near" then surely it must be worldwide... It would be great if they only said it was near for the UK. I'd have to frame them side by side.
Thanks for the "very very" quote... excellent !
I have to agree - it sounds like their fear of the internet is growing !
If not already prepared, all publishers are urged to complete an Advance Decision to Refuse Specified Medical Treatment document. This legal document protects your right to refuse blood transfusions.
And by forgetting to fill it out, it can save your life too! (My parents STILL haven't filled out their blood cards!!! And I ain't encouraging them to either).