Since the fact is that we are all responsible for our own reality, that thought becomes very troubling if you apply it to the WTBTS and its followers.
What is their perceived reality?
It is that the world as we know it is about to end!
Can they make it least for themselves?
Absolutely! We have not forgotten Jonestown yet, have we?
I find it troubling to spend anytime with my JW parents now! They can smell and taste Armageddon in the air! This is their reality! They think nothing of telling me that me and my children are about to be killed.....any time.....if we don't return to 'Jehovah'. People under this kind of delusion are suggestible, weak minded and living in a warped, constructed reality. The construction is done under mind control of the WTBTS. They have no concept or possible grasp of the fact that they have been conned! They are in constant fear of grasping at the WTBTS to SAVE them! But from what?
Who made the monster that they fear so much and who is manipulating their minds with its changes? After all, all change causes some kind of anxiety even in the most well adjusted!
If the WTBTS asked them to jump, they would ask, 'how high?'
Isn't that what Jim Jones did......command his followers to jump?
The WTBTS is running out of time as 2014 is only 7 years away and as far as I'm aware they're not planning an anniversary party!
Desperate times call for desperate measures!