mINI the MICHEAL BLOOMBERG BUS for the blind leaves at 9 a.m. forget my spelling abilities. I spelled out my PHONE NUNBER TO YOU REAL CLEARLY. are you to stupid to dial out 10 digits? they even teach that at the elders school. or are you just AFRAID? I 'LL SAY AFRAID B/C YOU HAVE AS MUCH NERVE AS DOZENS OF WT ELDERS I HAVE MADE DOPES OUT OF AND YOU JUST DON'T WANTED TO ADDED TO THE LIST. 1000'S of x jw's read this board, i'll stand behind my record dealing with jw's any day. your the little girl here , you opened your 3rd grade wt trained mouth with me. that crap may have worked for you at the KINGDUM HALL and here with lots of faDERS THAT THINK YOU KNOW $H!T FROM SHINOLA. and your some kind if x jw GOD. i see you for what you are. a one line poster. you want to play . I PM'ED YOU MY PHONE NUMBER. call it. oR just cry like any other JW CRYBABY that don't have the nerve to deal wih me. and next time you call me names i will refer to your CRYBABY STANCE. OF NOT STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE. and trust me i will not forget... john
Were The Sisters Submissives or "Jezebels" In Your Hall?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
HAZING HORRORS @ the HALL and "malicious in the ministry" A "service bag" --- a bitchy domineering female dominatrix pioneer of course the men are assholes too.Village of the damned Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts they pulled S&M shit out in sacred service that I cannot post here,THAT FRIGGING BAD
memorized with your interlect
This gave me the best laugh I've had in weeks.
I think I was viewed as a Jezebel type.
My first rude awakening was when I was 'counseled' about a slit in my skirt. Here I was feeling good about myself when out of the blue I get a tap on the shoulder. I am solemnly told by the elder that 'it was noted I had a slit in my skirt on....' This being a skirt that was below my knees and the slit was just a few inches. In all honesty, I was not trying to look sexy. But, never mind! I was still given a talking to. I was so eager to please that I tried to sew up the slit as much as I could. Silly me. But, I realized then on that they had problems with women and 'modesty'. There is a definite discrimination and scrutiny if you look a certain way and it is as though you have to try harder than some other women. You get grief from both sexes.
I also am very opinionated and this makes me a Jezebel twice over. They do not like women who can think and speak up for themselves. I confess that I had little respect for most of the mealy mouth stupid women there.
If you open up your mouth and criticize anything (no matter how valid your complaint) you are viewed as 'negative'.
Elders and their wives and pioneer sisters always seemed disturbed by a slit---no matter what size it was. Simply because it was a slit, it was inappropriate.
This was a ploy used by my inlaws to try to cause a lot of trouble for my husband and self just after we were married.
We were too 'busy' on Sunday mornings to go out on FS and EVERY sunday morning an elder used to come round and harrass us.
He or they would always read the same scriptures on 'submission'. Finally we caught on what was happening and who was the cause and told the visiting Elders that they shouldn't listen to our inlaws as they were just trying to cause us trouble by saying I was a bad wife, all of the time.
Turned out that was exactly what was happening!
Finally my MIL rang me and told me that I had ruined my husband's life and his spirituality to which, I'm sorry to say I was completely speechless, at the time.
What was funny was that all those years it was my husband who believed that the WTBTS was total BS and me who was a JW fanatic!
But, you might be surprised to know that before we got married I had the vows checked out and I told my husband to be that if 'obey' was in the vows I would not marry him......we would have to go and live in sin!!! Turned out they had removed that part of the vows a few years before!
My mother was one severely told off by an Elders wife. My mum always had the territory for the group on a Wednesday and she had just given out the territory when the Elder and his wife turned up. The Elders wife immeadiately rushed up to my mum with everyone watching and said sharply: 'You've got to give the map to Steve now! You know the Brothers ONLY deal with the territory!'
My mum replied: 'Well if Steve had turned up in time to give out the territory he could have done it! As it is, it's my map anyway and I'm keeping it!'
Sister Elderette and very embarrassed and humbled Elder marched off to their first door while the 'nothings' of the congregation, ie the sisters, had a little snigger behind some bushes!
This Elderette regularly comes to verbal blows with my mother but it seems to keep the rest of the congregation entertained!
I remember this submissive sister at my ex hall asking her husband for money. He then quized her about what she needed it for and to top it off told her to bring back the change. I was disgusted. The Jezebels I noticed aways had their own money and did their own thing w/o having to ask the master for permission.
Johnny, since you keep sending me your phone number to talk to you, by all these pms, I just wanted to tell you upfront that I have no intention to call you. It's not because I have "no balls" as you say. It's because I think you're mentally deranged. When I've said that I think you need to see a doctor, I mean that. You're overly aggressive,constantly telling me you want to "kick my ass". You do not exhibit normal behavior, John. You want to constantly fight.
No one is afraid of you, John. No one. The reason why everyone here or in "real life" backs away from you is because you appear nuts. No one wants to converse with a screamer. When you threaten people, they will never warm up to you, Johnny. You take that as their being afraid of you. Or not having nerve. Or being a crybaby.
The fact is, you'll always be ignored unless you get some mental help. Please, John, get some help---if not for you, for us.
Females are treated so shabbily that a 9 year old baptized male is viewed as higher up the totem pole simply because of gender.
All of this crap makes me so glad that I am now in a place (university etc) in which you can excel as a result of your intelligence, merit, dedication and hard work rather than as a result of your having a penis over a vagina.
It's like 15th century Iran at the KH. They should stop beating around the bush and just institute Sharia law...