A hunger strike??? You gotta be kiddin'!
Were The Sisters Submissives or "Jezebels" In Your Hall?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
Since Oct. 9th, I've gotten 9 (and counting) pms from John. Others on this thread have indicated they too keep getting pms unnecessarily. Can he be prevented from spamming the mailboxes?
crap i just deleted my post!!*sighs*
the body of elders at my halls were so sexist. they disrespected the sisters all the time and had the worst view of opinionated sisters.
i can't say what one of them said about a woman he worked for cause it's too awful.
they're so stupid.
Some of them had smarter wives than them so they had to double the dissing. -
well, they certainly think I'm a Jezebal now! Mostly the sisters in the hall were submissive in public and did what they pleased in private. There was secondary gain in being submissive - brownie points for being so spiritual. Yuck. Phooey. Jezebel is more fun. Running my own life is way more fun.
Minimus- yeah a hunger strike. A new hall was being built and a few sisters were refusing to cook and haul food for ingrates and pricks. No meals were missed, but the sisters knew who was conducting the field work at what location, and made sure to avoid the little generals. I never turned in the rebellion, I was happy to avoid the little generals too.
Imagine, these would be "my brothers" for eternity, screw them!
The Watchtower Society wants all the women to be Betty Crocker types and Beaver Cleaver moms.
Subservient women are weak and today's society has taught us that people need to be independent.
My experience is that the least submissive women are the elders wives; they have access to confidential info and manipulate their husbands. Whenever "someone is stumbled" and the elders won't say who it is, you can bet it is an elder's wife.
I found that asking humble questions with my already bible researched (sometimes WTS material too) info, gave me great fun in putting elders into their place. Too many give their own opinion. Once in awhile one would say, I'll have to research it and would do so. Towards the end though several elders felt I was not really suffering from my chronic illness and were nasty. Sorts out the good from the bad, the liars from the truthtellers, the cowards from the brave.
Blondie, most elders think everyone's faking an illness.