Well we don't have a lot of bug problems here except west nile virus from them nasty little critters that fly. But I am sure glad to see ya still here with us all......
by Dansk 17 Replies latest jw friends
Well we don't have a lot of bug problems here except west nile virus from them nasty little critters that fly. But I am sure glad to see ya still here with us all......
Cheers, Old Flame!
Another thing about flies, why do they always land in my cup of tea/coffee when I take it outside?
To: Hortensia
*YUCK* I'd hate to have them. I have NOTHING where I live now. 3rd level is a plus too. I have seen garter snakes though where I used to live. *ICK* My son was trying to catch one and after he did I told him, "Now smell your hands!" HE ALMOST THREW-UP and hasn't touched one since.
well, I don't like the bugs we have here, but actually it's better than the really tremendous flea problem in San Diego.
my dad used to swear if you eat alot of 0nions and garlic it would change your blood chemestry and keep the mosquitos and biteing bugs away from you............. along with the biteing ladies....... bad trade off
I dunno how but if you can attract dragon flies, they are great at eating other nasties.
We had some monster dragon flies here in the summer which kept the mozzies down - they are amazing ... flying round you in a circle looking at you and incredible to see up-close when the land. These were the biggest I'd seen and about 4-5+ inches across their wings.
I love spiders because they love to eat flies. And Dansk, maybe the flies in your neck of the woods have caught on to that old adage ... (modified just for you) ... "the balder the berry, the sweeter the juice..." *smile*
We have a pond here and there are dragonflies that emerge every year. Unfortunately they are not around this time of year so the pesky flies get away with it! You are right about the dragonflies - beautiful creatures deserving of greater respect - but their larvae are extremely voracious and love chewing my tadpoles! Oh, well, that's nature for you!
"the balder the berry, the sweeter the juice..." *smile*
LOL I guess that's what it is! I wonder if, when they bite my head, they suck out the remnants of the chemo? If so, they're in for a surprise!