Wife vented tonight!

by 5thGeneration 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    ah yes...

    the lost opportunities - that is what eats away at many JWs who have their awakening after they get out of their 20's or 30's. ....the Oracle included...

    The later in life the awakening - the more profound the sense of loss.

    The more painful - the "what could have beens" become.

    You mentioned before that you have children who are still living at home, therefore your wife still has to be young!

    There is still plenty of time for her to do something different and rewarding with her life. In fact, I believe this to be true at any age - but certainly your babe is young enough that she has over half a life time ahead of her to do whatever she pleases!

    The real world can be a scary place for the brainwashed JW - but I firmly believe that it is a BEAUTIFUL PLACE.

    Filled with BEAUTIFUL people (on the inside and out!)

    The more I get to know the world around me, the more I am impressed with how many honest and kind hearted people there are. You will always have the bad people too, but the good ones are not hard to find. It is certainly far different than the horrible infestation of evil that the WT teaches.

    Happy BIRTHDAY to your WIFE! I am sure she is a wonderful person


  • MadTiger

    "You know, Babe, I was thinking about the other night when you expressed your frustration at not being able to celebrate your birthday in a good conscience. I felt bad because you felt bad, and let me tell you, I wouldn't have seen any problem in you being happy to be alive and counting your blessings and feeling particularly special."

    No charge.

  • Sunspot

    GOPHER SAID: Any change is stressful, even good ones, for a while. But it gets better.

    How very true!

    I was so alone when I first began to let myself admit what I was seeing was proof that the WTS was NOT "the truth" and I had indeed, given my life up to devotion and subservience to man! I didn't tell ANYONE as there was no one I COULD share this "new light" with. I sat on this gnawing pain in my gut for many months until I had enough evidence in my heart that I KNEW I had a huge decision to make on all this. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. It was terrible.

    It is good that as she begins to emerge from the WTS-induced coma, that SHE has "a someone" in her corner to catch her as she falls and prop her back up again! Let her go at her own pace and her own way, just be there for support and understanding.



  • 5thGeneration

    Thanks everyone for your concern.

    She feels better today and we had a good talk today about how we would approach life and raising our kids if we 'ever' left.

    Positive progress at least!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear 5th Generation,

    I am so happy for you!!! Sorry to hear she had a off day, but am happy that she is doing better. I am sure she is really overwhelmed at the uncertainty of it all. Baby steps. I am sure you are helping her take baby steps. Keep up the good work! Keep us posted, as we are really happy for you!


    Lady Liberty

  • lrkr

    Do the right thing. Take her out to dinner and celebrate HER. If she freaks out, just say that you are celebrating that she was born and nothing is more pure love than that.

    This is her first step.

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