Hi,I have just registered here because I need someone to talk to in a way that wont end me up before a JC.I have been reading a lot of stuff recently about the WTS being false prophets and the like.I also HATE the fact that there are so called "spiritual" men out there who abuse their positions to molest children.I have been a witness now for 20yrs but instead of feeling spiritually alive I feel totally and utterly confused.I do not know which way to turn.Anyone out there who feels the same ? Share your thoughts with me ..please and help me unburden myself to someone. Thanks for reading.
Help needed desperately !!!!!
by confused and lost 31 Replies latest jw experiences
If you are concerned about revealing your identity through your posts try just asking "doctrinal" type questions as a start.
If something has happened to you or to someone you know you might find assistance at http://silentlambs.org/
Hope this helps.
Dear Confused & Lost. You are experiencing typical Jdub symptoms. They do nothing for a person's true spirituality. You will always feel confused and lost because they do not offer the real truth.
Welcome to our board. Stick around, you may just learn something.
welcome to the board. your among confidetial friends. feel free to drop your burden here. you've carried it by your self long enough.
First, let me welcome you to JWD.
Second, I would highly recommend you seek out a copy of the book 'Crisis of Conscience' by Raymond Franz.
Most of us here feel or have felt the same as you. No one knows who you are and no one needs to know. No need to be afraid to ask the questions, we've been there ourselves.
confused and lost
You said:
instead of feeling spiritually alive I feel totally and utterly confused
This is the first step in a journey to peace and freedom. You recognize the spiritual void and blanketing darkness
descending upon this org. You know you HAVE to get out of her, but knowing and doing it are two different things.
You are among understanding and compassionate folks here on JWD and some have more wisdom than you can
begin to imagine. This forum has been a life support system for many folks leaving the grip of mind control. WELCOME.
choosing life
Welcome confused and lost,
I think we have all felt that way and still do at times. If you can post a little more about what concerns you, maybe someone can be of more help.
If not, just read and I am sure you will find a lot of your concerns have been addressed at some time.
Looking forward to your further imput.
Sincerely, choosing Life
Hello and welcome, Confused and Lost. You are in the right place.
I daresay you shall not be confused and lost for long. Peace, strength, and wisdom to you!
Baba -
The Oracle
Hey Confused and Lost,
You are NOT ALONE! Not anywhere near alone.
There are tens of thousands of JWs in the exact same boat as you - right now.
Among the group here, are people who are still serving in responsible positions within the organization, working hard to protect innocent people and to stop much of the JW madness (child molestation and blood policy to name a couple) from the inside.
As someone currently serving in the position of "elder" I can offer you some current insights on to how to handle yourself in order to avoid disfellowshipping (if that is a concern), or just to help you sort through some of the feelings of confusion.