Dear Confused and Lost,
First of all...(((HUGS))) . You have come to the right place my friend. Here you will find many who have been in your shoes. It is truely shocking, heartbreaking and unbelievable when you first start to see the organization for what it really is. Denial is a natural reaction, but then Cognitive Dissonance ( a condition of conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistency between one's beliefs and one's actions) sets in and there is an inner battle to contend with.
This forum will help you see that many, many of your brothers and sisters have researched as well, and have found the same things out as yourselves. It will help validate your feelings as well, because quite frankly, you can feel like your going crazy, and that you are the only one in the organization with doubts. You may also feel very alone, but by being here you will see that you are not alone, and there is a multitude of people just like yourself who lean on each other for love and support. So we hope you stick around! We look forward to hearing more from you when you are ready.
Lady Liberty