Actual photo of OBVES!
by deaconbluez 23 Replies latest jw friends
maybe its just the past few weeks of stuff
but this made me chuckle more than should have
too funny!
I really feel sorry for obves if he truly believes his own poopaganda.
I cant even laugh at him I feel such pity for his confusion I wish I could help
You are one sick dude! That is my sincerest form of flattery, you have made my day.
wha happened?
who or what is OBVES? nice hat though
Obves is a product of his environment. I think religion can sincerely screw up people's minds. I wish there were an easy way to bring obves back to normal so that he could have a fulfilling life. There are times I have made sport of both Obves and JCanon and today I apologize to both of you.
It really bothers me to see the both of you so bogged down in this dogma and nonsense. I wish a better life for both of you, with some happiness. I hope one day you both can find some joy in something you can accomplish.
At a young age my mother tried to discourage me from making fun of people. She said "There, but for the gace of God, go I." Which means ...that could have been me, or anyone of us. Some of us here are very lucky to have gotton through this life and all this mind-warping with some semblance of sanity still there. I think Obves and Jcanon are less fortunate.
At a young age my mother tried to discourage me from making fun of people.
Am I supposed to feel guilty for poking fun at OBVES? He's not for real. I sincerely think he is a master of parody.
Oh Deaconblues, I am not scolding you or putting you down. The photo was very funny.
It's just that I started feeling guilty myself for making fun of two people who, I think now, obviously cant help themselves.
I wonder sometimes if I have offended these people with what I thought was humor. But they are so serious, so maybe they dont see the humor and are hurt by it. I figure anyone with JW background should be tough-skinned about any real or imagined "persecution". But I don't know.
Please do not think my comments were directed at you. They are not. You are fine. You are very funny.
It was just my own since of guilt today. Maybe I am overly sensitive right now.
wha happened?
does he have a website?