Crazy xray
by MsMcDucket 15 Replies latest social humour
I've heard the number one line proctologist's get is "I don't know how that got there".
I've heard the number one line proctologist's get is "I don't know how that got there".
Brin, I believe it!
You want fries, with that?
That drunk that they couldn't find the right mouth?
That photo must have been done in a hospital radiology dept. during someones break, for the fun of it. Or is photoshop that capable? *heehee*
I don't have photoshop (wish I did). I guess it's possible, but it looks like the real deal!
knock knock
Well now, that is bizarre. I suppose my take on it would be that I guess it's possible but likely it's "photoshoped". You can work magic with just a little skill and any decent graphics program.
Going into geek mode: If you want to fool around with this stuff try Paint Shop Pro - any version 5 or higher. Or try Corel Draw & PhotoPaint version 9 or up. Used I bet you can pick these up for $50 or less. Then you can post your own "medical miracles". :) -
ROTFL, thanks for the laugh i needed that.
Sad emo
I reckon it's a set-up. That abdominal area looks much too clear. Maybe someone fooling around with a skeleton and a bottle?
Which is very sad really if the person had donated their body for medical research and it gets abused like this
On the other hand, if it is for real, the mind boggles since it doesn't even appear to be a young person (note hip replacement + other hip joint badly worn)
Do we have an xray technician in the room?!
Thanks for the tips Knock Knock! Now-a-days, it is so hard to determine what photos are reality anymore. I guess we all just need to acquire that Missouri mentality and believe only what we see for real, i.e. LIVE!