It gets better, Dear, Sweet Oompa.
I swear to the gods, it does. It really does.
pets are so much better than people....I am not sorry
by oompa 66 Replies latest jw friends
Oompa, it totally sucks what you're going through, so sorry. Please please hang on until it passes. I swear to you it will pass. I have been there and it's absolutely horrible - I was so sure the best thing to do was to check out. Depression impairs your thinking - someday when all this crap is in the past you will be happy again and will be glad you didn't do it. I found out that life can change on a dime - so glad I stayed for that to happen. Mrs Flipper
My family is soo flucked up, and I dont see me ever fixing it or getting a handle on it. my poor wife and kids
Same here buddy. But don't give the WT the satisfaction dude!
Here's me. Hope you can stand my mug. If you wanna go far away, come on over.
I'd miss ya. That's reason enough right there to pull it together.
If that doesn't sway you, do it for the kitten, man.
oompa - sorry you are going through this.
A couple of strategies that may help
Imagine your children are in the same place that you are now - what would you say to them. What if they, through circumstances they couldn't avoid reached the point you have in the future - how would you help them from your own experience.
Another strategy is to imagine you have died already - but you are still here but with a new beginning.
Also I agree with the others and your doctor - go to the emmergency room.
I have been worndering how you were doing.
I sure am not going to preach at you. My life has been going to hell in a hand basket lately. You sure know some of it. I'd love to talk to you if you are phoned up now and off the beach.
I am in your shoes. Help me and I will help you. Deal? PM me.
oompa- time for a road trip - airport, flight to Belize City, flight to Placencia, get a place on the beach and do nothing. You have nothing to lose, so go somewhere nice and dig the nature. P.S. You never have to go back either - it's all YOUR choice to enjoy! So enjoy!
ooompa. I hope you are ok....please let us know
Outlaw, seriously, I thought you were an adult.....whether or not you believe him or not, is beside the point!
what if you're wrong? what if he is suicidal? and you write that steaming pile of crap?? heartless, really heartless of you
Please, go F**K yourself!