I don't necessarily look back bitterly over everything I've missed. I feel no desire, no missing of the 'friends", the "Organization", the "Brotherhood". I've accepted that life goes on and I must learn from the past.
Do You Have Any Mixed Emotions Since Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
I'm trying to only look forward to what life has to offer outside the religion.
Sure, I hate that i've wasted this much time(though extremely short compared with the decades many of you have lost in the religion) but i'm glad I was so young when realizing this and now have a alot of time to enjoy my life, hopefully.
The only regret that I have is that my family didn't escape with me.
Mixed emotions? Not at all. Over the 30 years I was with them, I never REEEEEEEALLY took everything as factual, but still tried my best to be a accepted by God and the Borg of course. I always felt vulnerable to going astray because there were little things that annoyed me plus I wanted to do certain things, not bad things, mind you, but rather, things that I felt were actually ok. So over those 30 yrs. when things got me even more annoyed, my level of vulnerability kept increasing, so was my sense of fading. Then when I got DF, it was like, "Yes, I finally made it to the exit door and didn't even have to do anything bad to get there!"
I don't EVER 2nd guess my position. I KNOW that JWs are full of sh*t.
I miss all the fine counsel and reprimands. I haven't been counseled in over 4 years, and I'm beginning to become arrogant and "puffed up" with pride because I
thinkknow I'm perfect.W
I just posted a topic about my meeting with the elders last night.
I miss my friends that I know truly care about me and I miss feeling like I am able to tell them the truth about how I feel.
I have a lot of mixed feelings.
Not because I believe it IS the truth, but because I wish that I didn't have to lose these people. Even though their love is conditional, I don't blame them, I blame the brainwashing.
The only emotional feelings i have are with my Mother who is in the Org and my Brother who is currently having a bible study. I feel sad for both of them especially my Mother because i can't ever see her leaving it and so is trapped & imprisoned by it. Hopefully my Bro will suddenly wake up one day and see that its all a load of crap and get out of it before its too late.
a ex jw friend of mine from my old congregation told it to me like this:
i said " don't you ever miss the brothers we knew?"
he said "yeah...kind of like the way i miss my friends from high school. I miss them but wouldn't go back to high school to be with them.
I said 'that's an interesting way of looking at it.'
He said ' when it was time i just left.like graduation.'
I said 'well i was kicked out!!'
he said ' good for you. disfellowshipped. that's like graduating with honors!!' -
And I don't want to come back for a reunion!