My meeting with the elders.. I TOTALLY WIMPED OUT

by AWAKE&WATCHING 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    you went with the right idea. you just couldn't bring it out of you. don't feel bad. so you couldn't help them, they can't change what you already know. I always scream on the board to stand up to the jw's. well you did, you just don't know it yet. they had the deck stacked against you. since you say in 2 and a half hours. you couldn't get in a word edgewise. I would leave them alone, and not agree to any more talk with them. by you standing firm and not playing any religious game , and not going back to them. you will have WON. without ever saying a word. just cut them off, they will drive you crazy. If you want someone to question your elders just pm me. it will be the opposite me working them for 2 hours . without them saying much. best wishes john

  • Maddie

    I don't think you wimped out, it can be a bit fearsome in a situation like that and you showed dignity

    Well done!


  • flipper

    AWAKE & WATCHING- You showed a lot of class in how you dealt with them and dignity. Only you know how you feel , and your time to come out to those in the org. you love will come to you, when only you are ready, not before. Nothing says you have to say anything, anyway. Discretion was probably better anyhow, they probably would have continued after you later. Most of us have family that we just , " Let it BE ", so to speak as the Beatles said, just to keep some sort of relationship with . So don't berate yourself. You are a great person and have valuable things inside of you ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Hortensia

    I don't think it was wimping out, either. It was realism - what's the point of running into a brick wall? They have powerful defenses and anything you say would just prove to them how wrong you are.</p>

    <p>isn't it funny? if you wanted to quit being a Catholic, for instance, no one would chase you down and demand to know the reason. No one would give a damn.</p>

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    A & W your looking for opened minded reasonableness and compassion out of people that are not in the position to give it , remember they have been trained well on to deal with these

    types of situations. Friends or elders or family for that matter will try and defend their faith as much as possibly they just see you as being a weak and wayward individual that needs

    guidance from the powers to be namely the GB of the organization.

    This is the exact same platform that is used with most other religious cults like the JWS.

    The elders position and duty of the congregation is to defend the organization at all cost in doing so they are also defending their acquired power and status

    You should know by now that once men acquire power they are rarely are willing to let it go .

    They see themselves as captains of spiritual warfare, strong and faithful to the core, well at least out in open.

    They are just corrupted fools that the Borg hooked and landed.

    It is simply a case of your own personal intelligence being above them that you refuse to grab the bait.

    As a noted author recently said religion poisons everything and how true that is.

    Move forward A & W........take care

  • JK666


    I don't think you wimped out at all! A wise person picks their battles wisely. You used intuition to guide you according to how the meeting went. They were not stubborn jerks, but you were prepared in case they were.

    It just wasn't time yet. You went with your gut feelings, and are now second guessing yourself after the fact.

    I am proud of you!


  • BFD

    A&W you are no wimp! What you faced took a lot of courage, I know that even after all the years away my mind would have a tendency to slip into "witness mode" when speaking with my mom. I'm not saying that's what happened to you. I applaud you.

    I'm not gonna preach to the choir, you know you did the best you can. Who cares what they think?



    Thanks y'all - I'll feel better once I get to the Pasta Apostafest in Richmond, around people I can be completely honest with.

  • noni1974

    A&W don't beat yourself up.You did a really good job of telling me what you wanted to say to the elders and your friends you were planning on meeting with.I know you just wanted them to understand and listen to what you have found out since your eyes have been opened.Sometimes it's not easy to talk to those we love the most.Sometimes even when we can express ourselves fully to the people we love they just don't get it anyway.

    You know what you know and your eyes are open.Just be thanful you have a chance to be free now.

  • IP_SEC


    You are no coward. If it didnt anyway, it would have ended up as an A&W bashing session.

    I dont consider myself a wimp. I didnt say too much when the brother came to pick up my keys to the hall. I knew he wouldnt listen. The elders had copies of my letter. They could read them in private if they wanted.

    A&W, a coward would not have made the decisions you've made and stuck to lately. You have not maintained the status quo because it is easier. Your actions have defined you as brave.

    I am proud of you.

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