call me inkling

by inkling 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • *summer*

    wow! read your story with much interest!

    welcome to JWD!!!

    may you find what you are looking for, while becoming a great asset to this board.

  • V1710

    thanks for sharing your experience inkling.

    best wishes with your fade and welcome to the board.


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Welcome and good luck! You may not need it though, since you are a master of communication.

  • inkling

    ah, Dexter. Indeed I do.

    (nice catch)


  • inkling
    Welcome and good luck! You may not need it though...

    You now know there is no going back to those comfort feelings of the old days.

    I have had, and will need "luck". My biggest stroke of it was choosing the right girl
    to marry, and the fact that she (also a witness since childhood) is on the same page
    and turning them at about the same rate strikes me as almost miraculous.

    I'm betting your dad may be an elder too?

    Yup, how did you guess?

    You now know there is no going back to those comfort feelings of the old days.

    I know. I am starting to be ok with that. It's really a grieving process... like losing a beloved pet.

    I'd like you to find SOMEONE you can be yourself with.

    I have, to a certain extent. Besides my wife, I have found a select group of true friends,
    inside and out, that are in a similar place as me, or can at least understand where I am
    without freaking out. As far as a GROUP... no, no sign of that happening yet. But I have hope.

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