I don't remember if I have posted about this form some obvious reasons. My mom and dad were helping me with an outdoor project at home, and my df's son stopped by. I knew he was in the area and told him to stop by. I guess I have not gotten over my dads reaction. He walked away from my approaching son, after my son had already had a nice chat with my mom a the end of the driveway. He mumbled somthing about "oh no, I'm not comfortable with this at all"----I told him "good gried its your grandson dad, as many things as we have changed over the years dont you think this is one were way off on??? We'll talk later...." We still haven't....oompa
Ashamed of my dear father 12 days ago...first time ever.
by oompa 16 Replies latest jw friends
That sucks dude. BTW, how old is your son?
Their loss. They are the ones missing out on so much in their lives. Hey, as long as you continue to be there for your son, you're one step ahead of everyone. My heart goes out to you, because I know how that must feel.
that is heartbreaking. hat's off to you for inviting your son to your house, even if your dad was going to be there. Don't be ashamed of yourself, it's your father who should feel ashamed. It's not your fault that your family is fragmented.
My son is just 21. Dunked at 16, DF'd at 17, moved out at 17....very very tough teenage years. I kept praying if he could just get out of his teens. I feel so sorry for him in so many ways. I was so ingrained that I thought it might be good for him....a wake up call.....WTF???? No way that is good on anyone, but a kid that has real troubles in life????? sick...oompa
Happy Harvester
Good for you, oompa. Don't shut your son out. Your dad is wrong to react in the way he has. He's way off! Your son needs you so much. It's good to be there for him.
Two months after the big DF, I said we were going to lake to go wakeboarding like always. But I also said it to "the good" son who now pioneers. He kinda lies to his mom (my ex) and we three go have a blast at the lake. You would not believe the guilt and $hit she laid on him for going with us to the lake. I said what the hey, didnt you take him to lunch the other day for "talk?" Well we went to the lake for lunch dang it....oompa....she has been df'd three times btw...
It is SUCH a messed up cult. I hate the way it makes normally decent people act
OOMPA- Mr. Flipper here. I feel the governing body should be disfellowshipped for disfellowshipping people. This shunning thing is absolutely ridiculous ! That is so good you have stood by your son Oompa , your dad should walk off, with his tail between his legs for acting that way. I love and support my son too, both of us being faders, because his mom, my ex, barely will even acknowledge him with college and such ! Great he has a loving stepmom who he cares for deeply ! This cult needs to be abolished ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
How would your father feel if you shunned him? Let him taste his own medicine. It might make him wake up.