put a blind fold on, bend all the way over and touch my ankles
I'd park my pushbike.
by John Doe 16 Replies latest jw friends
put a blind fold on, bend all the way over and touch my ankles
I'd park my pushbike.
Since an opportunity like that would only come around once in a blue moon, it deserves some thought. I'll get back to you on this.
OK… firstly I would take special notice of the large pile of BullSh** near contorted figure of JD and , smelling a rat, so to speak, I would take care to remove the offensive material being thankful that I am wearing the steel toed boots while working. Having removed the BullPuckie from immediate reach, I would also change shoes since the steel-toed boots are quite heavy.
By the time that this has been accomplished, JD would have passed out from the blood rushing to his head and be lying in a heap unconscious. I would pick up my cell phone and call the local loony bin, which would send the paddy wagon. Honestly, who piles up a bunch of BullPuckie and then bends over hanging onto his ankles while offering anyone walking by with steel toed boots to take a swing at him? Clearly this individual is in need of mental help.
After making sure that JD got his one-way trip to the loony bin, I’d go about my merry way having done my good deed for the day.
Sensing your obvious intent to hurl the crap at me, I would simply come up behind you and give you a little shove forward throwing you off balance and face first into the pile that you had intended for me.
Then walk away quietly chuckling to myself
put a blind fold on, bend all the way over and touch my ankles, and you have steel toed boots on, what would you do?
Take a picture and post it on the internet.
Would it make a difference if I had a ready supply of bullspit within arms reach and at my disposal?
No, your position would impede your ability to hurl it at me with any real accuracy or velocity. W
Would it make a difference if I had a ready supply of bullspit within arms reach and at my disposal?
When I first read that, I had no idea what you meant.
I was thinking, where did that poop come from? Why is he near a pile a of poop?
I honestly had no idea what it was there for!
How dumb am I??
Is this your idea of foreplay?
Wouldn't you like to know!