Did anyone see the information on a recent Watchtower study article (W-07 0/01, p. 30, §16) in which a Witness who quitted his job and started selling ice cream on the streets in order to have more time to “preach”, is presented as a good example? I found it extremely offensive and asked myself: Are they really serious or is this joke? But the worst part is that no one else in the Hall seemed to find it offensive, with the exception of a Ministerial Servant who privately told me it was an act of disrespect on the part of the Society.
Quit your job and go sell ice cream
by Hiddenwindow 22 Replies latest jw friends
I have both Watchtower issues from Jan '07 and do not see that mentioned.
maybe i am reading what you need wrong?
Help us out with the month of the issue you are referring to here. The first of WHAT month?
W-07 0/01, p. 30, §16
The entire article was featured by WT Comments click here (From the Watchtower, August 1, 2007, pages 26-30)
Excerpt from WT Comments:
16) Consider the case of a Christian man in a country in the Orient. He had a well-paying job as a computer technician. However, his work occupied practically all his time and left him feeling spiritually impoverished. Finally, instead of trying to get ahead in his job, he quit and took up making ice cream and selling it on the street so that he would have more time to care for his spiritual needs and responsibilities. Former workmates made fun of him, but how did things turn out? "Actually, I was better off financially than when I worked with computers," he said. "It has made me happier because I do not have the stress and worry that I had with my former job. And most important, I now feel closer to Jehovah." The change enabled this Christian to enter the full-time ministry, and he is now serving at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in his country. Jehovah's blessing indeed "makes rich."
Comments: Man is better off selling ice-cream from a cart than as computer technician. I can't make this up!
But that's the point, he simply made a career change for more money! He had a "well-paying job" and became "better off financially" with more free time–until he moved to the branch, now he doesn't have to worry about money at all.
Lesson: Quit your glamorous job and you will make more money while you pioneer (full-time service).
I now feel closer to Jehovah
Selling ice-cream can do that for a person, even moreso when eating it.
i love the information they leave out....what country in the 'orient'? aren't we calling it asia now?
he could've been doing tech support in a country that pays very little for educated workers....a technician in japan compared to a technician in beijing or elsewhere are completely different things.
so pathetic. may as well give an experience of a man in the americas who quit his full time job because there was more money in cock-fighting and now he pioneers.
note to the over sensitive, when i say cock-fighting i'm referring to the birds not the genitals.
I've learned they NEVER tell the whole story. These so called "examples" are used over and over again. No names. No specifics. Just some guilt to club the western dubs with.
And just what the hell is so wonderful about pioneering? I did it for years and I was exhausted at the end. Maybe i just didn't have the "spirit."
And now, for my next trick, My 100th post! I think I'll quit my job and start selling rubber walrus protectors to Eskimos in Alaska! I can kill two birds with one stone! I can make money AND preach the good news in an area where the need is greater!
Ohh..... wait.... I forgot..... I'm NOT a JW and I'm NOT dilusional! I think I'll keep my day job after all. It gives me more time to post on Jehovahs-Witness.com!
I used to wish I could spend several weeks treking through the jungle, swimming across crocodile infested waters, and eating tree bark on the way to the annual district convention. Then they could have written about me in watchtower magazines to make others feel guilty for missing one day of their "bounteous spiritual feast".
Too funny Finallyfree!
But Dork: I think I'll quit my job and start selling rubber walrus protectors to Eskimos in Alaska!
If Eskimos need rubbers for walruses, I am gonna puke....is this in Watching the World?????
And by the way, HiddenWindow....good post... I missed the WT review and although I enjoy them, I am skimming them a little since I dont go anymore. That is a special story......oompa....and icecream i guess