Assaulting JW's in the door to door work is very counter-productive. It encourages them to continue
believing that they are the True Religion by reason of being persecuted. It also encourages an image
of 'evil apostates' who hate them and have no moral grounds for opposing the Watchtower Society.
Tactics designed to embarass and expose the organization are still the best way to fight this
evil cult, not physical attack. Martin Luther King had the right idea.
I would, however, point out one possible exception to the above - and I will articulate it as carefully
as I can, in respect for Simon and his generous site:
If every disfellowshipping ended up in a brawl that had to involve the police being called, things
would quickly change in the organization. If every disfellowshipped person 'went ballistic' at the
announcement in disruption, things would change.
There simply isn't enough 'ruckus' or loud disruption when a person is DF'd. This would create
an atmosphere of fear and horror among Witnesses - not tearful justification that 'they got what
they deserved'. This sort of event was manifested during the French Revolution by an aristocratic
woman named DuBarry, who triggered such sorrowful panic in the mob, that executions
diminished afterwards. Loud disruptions that involve police would quickly bring public attention
and disgrace on the organization, as well as inhibit elders from forming committees in the first place.
My above remarks are hypothetical