Assaults Are a Bad Idea ( One exception?)

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Assaulting JW's in the door to door work is very counter-productive. It encourages them to continue

    believing that they are the True Religion by reason of being persecuted. It also encourages an image

    of 'evil apostates' who hate them and have no moral grounds for opposing the Watchtower Society.

    Tactics designed to embarass and expose the organization are still the best way to fight this

    evil cult, not physical attack. Martin Luther King had the right idea.

    I would, however, point out one possible exception to the above - and I will articulate it as carefully

    as I can, in respect for Simon and his generous site:

    If every disfellowshipping ended up in a brawl that had to involve the police being called, things

    would quickly change in the organization. If every disfellowshipped person 'went ballistic' at the

    announcement in disruption, things would change.

    There simply isn't enough 'ruckus' or loud disruption when a person is DF'd. This would create

    an atmosphere of fear and horror among Witnesses - not tearful justification that 'they got what

    they deserved'. This sort of event was manifested during the French Revolution by an aristocratic

    woman named DuBarry, who triggered such sorrowful panic in the mob, that executions

    diminished afterwards. Loud disruptions that involve police would quickly bring public attention

    and disgrace on the organization, as well as inhibit elders from forming committees in the first place.

    My above remarks are hypothetical


  • Gill

    Cool! Metatron you make a great point!

    People do not like to have their horrible deeds exposed to the world at large!

    Imagine a heart broken DF'd person causing a huge ruckuss and the police coming and then their explaining that the Elders would not permit his extended family and friends to speak to him becuase he had a cigarette habit!

    Bad publicity or what?

    Or the person who is DF'd for complaining about being assaulted by a pedophile in the cong!

    I wonder what the police would have to say about that?

  • sir82

    Interesting idea.

    Unfortunately, in my experience, 99% of those who are disfellowshipped are completely in agreement with it. They are told, and they wholeheartedly believe, that they are getting what they deserve, that this is "God punishing them because He loves them", and they have every intention of returning to "flock" as soon as possible.

    Someone with that mind set is not going to "raise a ruckus" when the announcement is made - it would just serve to extend the time period that would have to pass until they are allowed back. Elders have long memories for occasions that publically embarrass them.

  • eclipse

    Very interesting, metatron.

  • JulieM

    It's a very interesting idea metatron. Such an event would probably be reported in at least the local papers, and the crueller aspects of Watchtower doctrine, or rather the effect of it on it's victims, would get some deserved publicity. It would be an eye opener for some if they read about how the Watchtower Society expect their members to cut off all ties, even family ones, with those who leave.

    As one who was disfellowshipped recently, I was announced two weeks ago, I haven't been shunned publicly yet, but I expect it's only a matter of time. I wasn't there for the announcement, but my oldest brother rang me to tell me I should be ashamed of myself and that he won't be speaking to me again, so there's one future shunner, and there's bound to be more.

  • Siamsa


    It would not work because no body would see, hear or speak about it.

    Those that did see and hear about it would 'have no opinion' and refuse b) did not have two witnesses to the alledged incident

    or to speak about it because

    a) they did not have all the facts


    c) it was caused by some outside force or agency


    d) blame themselves for having caused the incident by having no opinion on the proceedings prior to the incident .

    Seriously though Metatron, why would making a scene advance the cause of 'victims' who place themselves in the hands of their Judge, Jury and Executioner VOLUNTARILY.

    Hand yourself in VOLUNTARILY and then complain about the sentence handed out ? Where is the sense in that ?

  • metatron

    If I ever get DF'd, I will let everyone loudly know - and by letter - that it was triggered by my opposition

    to the elders covering up my stepdaughters molestation. Whether exagerated or not, such a claim

    could create havoc for years to come.

    You guys are correct about the guilty, accepting attitude of most df'd people. that's why they get

    away with it!


  • metatron

    Siamsa, I don't think you understand what could happen. Let me give you a hypothetical example:

    Let's say Joe Publisher is about to announced as df'd for blabbing too much about problems in the

    organization. However, as an ex-elder, he knows about a confidential judicial case that involved

    child molesting. When the announcement is read at the Service Meeting, he loudly erupts with

    quick sharp sentences that "Brother So and So touched some kids and the elders want to shut me up

    by disfellowshipping me". He keeps shouting and the elders are in a panic. They can't even do the

    song and prayer! Some elders shout back and make it worse. Eventually, the police are called

    and the whole thing turns into an incredibly ugly disaster. Meeting attendance drops for two months.

    After a while, things calm down....

    until the next df'ing is announced and ....

    metatron ( I emphasize here, USE YOUR IMAGINATION!)

  • sf

    If only met, if only this could be.

    Wait! It Can be.


  • Jim_TX

    Not sure this 'hypothetical' rucus could ever become a reality.

    Ya see... whenever an announcement is made - and if anyone becomes 'loud' - or causes a scene - I believe that the 'attendants' would jump into action - and remove this individual.

    All the others in attendance would probably feel that this individual causing the commotion is 'demonized' - oh my! - and then the gossip starts along those lines.

    It would not matter if the individual was screaming all sorts of 'this and that happened' - most people would not hear it.


    Jim TX

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