announced at my parents service meeting last night
week long elders training class for 08 confirmed
by isaacaustin 47 Replies latest jw friends
Very few details given.
First class begins February 4, 2008.
Runs for 5 days, from Monday morning through Friday afternoon.
To be held at Patterson.
School begins at 8:00 each day, attendees have the "privileges" of "sharing in morning worship" and attending the Monday evening "family Watchtower study".
Ever notice that the less enjoyable an activity is, the more likely it will be called a "privilege"?
"Brother Jones, due to your 70 years of faithful unquestioning service, we've selected you to have the privilege of driving to the assembly hall at 5:00 AM to lead the cleaning crew."
Are all the elders invited?
God knows they need it......oompa
If you think they're pricks now, wait 'til they come back from that school!
It didn't specifically say who would be invited first. The implication was that all elders would eventually get to go.
My best guess is that it will work by seniority, as it did with the recent pioneer service schools that long-time pioneers could attend again. First those with 25+ years of pioneer service went, the following year those with 22+ years went, the following year 20+ years, etc.
Don't know if the "seniority" used for the elders' school would run by "time elapsed while serivng as an elder" or "time elapsed since baptism".
I wonder if the congregations will be asked to help pay for expenses?
drew sagan
It is very clear what they are doing here, almost to clear.
There is not a single doubt in my mind that by sending Elders through this school they aim to puff up their egos. They want their men to be more organizational, and this school aims to do just that. There is also no doubt that when the Elders come back from this school there will be a sense of awe around them. Like they have been learning at the feet of Jesus.
It's a tool to teach these men respect and discipline. From what I gathered when I was in the WTS wasn't to happy with it's Elder bodies and felt they where not doing nearly enough. They where also very quick to point out how many more men they needed to fill positions and that there just wasn't enough out there who where qualified.
They are going to be training hardliners. They want these men to taste organizational power by 'bringing them in' to the less accessed places of the organization. -
This is really encouraging to families that get to spend little time with Daddy elder.
Now he gives up a week of vacation one year to go get puffed up with pride.I see this move as very smart on WTS's part.
These "clergy class" guys will be convinced that:
1. they are the princes.
2. they need to stay busy inJehovah'sThe Printing Company's service.
3. they have been granted such a lofty privilege.
4. they need to keep promoting the doctrine in order to be princes.
5. they just need to focus on theKingdomPrinting Company instead of their own lives for just a few more years.
6. those pesky lawsuits can be minimized if they just follow procedure exactly-
perhaps engaging in illegal or unethical practices, afterall- it's Satan's world.
7. there is no room for doubt or disloyalty on their parts. -
Drew: There is not a single doubt in my mind that by sending Elders through this school they aim to puff up their egos. They want their men to be more organizational, and this school aims to do just that.
Could be Drew, but I am thinking that this may be very needed instruction to prepare for 1914 going TOTALLY out the window. 1995 Generation change (very weak and not mentioned since), 2007 with 144k still being called to serve (so I can partake now). When is the big guns gonna fire that Jesus did not inviso.....Bab the G was destroyed, and WT was not picked as FDS....That last one will not happen....sorry.....oompa