Witnesses sure are a bunch of dumb . . . . .!
week long elders training class for 08 confirmed
by isaacaustin 47 Replies latest jw friends
So the poor Ministerial Servants will have to run the congregations for that week. There will be many missing the meetings that week. The pioneer sisters will be taking the lead and the elder's wives will feel special and make like they know the school program. The local friends will be hanging out at the coffee shops trying to get some info from the pioneer gosssipers.
When the Elders return many will want to invite them into their homes for food and alcoholic drinks to try and get loose lips to give it up, what's the lastest etc.
I sure wish I had the money for a billboard sign on the road into their school. Hmm, what would I tell those elders in training?
keep everyone running in circles, they might not go on those pesky vacations that might even include missing one of the five meetings.
miss one of those and they might start thinking for themselves.
we should have the dates set up here as an open forum for women and children of elders to join and ask questions. :)
I wonder if they will party with the single bethelites, get drunk at the local Kelties restaurant with beer and hotwings then head to the city for some late night clubbing?
I just wonder how many will think to themsleves at the end of the week, 'What a fantastic week!' I really wonder how many will truly feel that way inside their hearts?
The WTS always had an element of high school protocol about it with prefects to report misbehaviour etc.
It's like JWs play it out in real life and the vacation doesn't come till you die!
I can't imagine any thinking its like a vacation - you know - being in the company of people who are going to rule a new Earth in suits and ties is so very exciting! Wow I bet they're packing their luggage already!
What they are thinking is we will be in spiritual paradise for a week. Those of us who have been there know better.
Did anyone go to this after all?