Anyone with type 2 Diabetes?

by LyinEyes 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I have been to two doctors appointments in the last 7 months and it is confirmed that I have type 2 diabetes. I was so scared when I found out, I have had many of my family die early from that illness.

    Since leaving the JW's , I can say that now I finally don't have the death wish that I secretly carried with me for so many years. Even as a young child , I sometimes just wished I didnt exsist.

    I was just wondering if any of ya'll have this condition and what do you do to control it. My doctor has me on Metformin 500 mg twice a day and I have heard about supplements and diet to help too.

    Just any feed back on this would be a help.

    I really need to get healthy , so any ideas on getting healthy in general will be encouraging.

  • purplesofa


    you have a pm

    since i am off work, maybe we can get together?!?!

    sending my cell number to you

    and have you talked to melvin?


  • prophecor

    Hi Lyin Eyes. The disease doesn't have to be the curse that it can. Diet and exercise are the best remedies. The Metformin that I take can actually work too well. I've had my sugar bottom into the 60's 70's & 80's range after using. Even after having just eaten. If you're a snorer with sleep-apnea, getting your sleeping situation adjusted can greatly enhance, even that area of your life. Sleep-Apnea has is now associated with type 2 diabetes. One hand, as it were, washes the other in therapy. The better I allow myself the room to get quality sleep on a CPAP, the more control my blood sugar becomes.Take heart LE. It can be sucessfully lived with.

  • Finally-Free

    I have type 2 diabetes. I have sleep apnea too, and have been using a CPAP machine for 7 years now. I love my snorkel now.

    The metformin has helped the diabetes, but diet and exercise are extremely important. Diabetes seems to run in my family on my dad's side. You can still live a long life with diabetes. My aunt had it and lived to be 86.


  • Skimmer

    I've been a member of the Type II club for about six years. My blood glucose was off the scale when I was diagnosed and I've had to rely on multiple daily insulin injections since then as oral medications are insufficient in cases like my own. Many people in my family have had diabetes and complications from the disease have injured and in some cases killed.

    On a note of optimism, the treatments available today are better and certainly safer than were those of even a few years ago. The deadly Rizulin is off the market and the dubious Avandia may not be far behind. If you are at the stage where oral prescriptions are sufficient, then that's very good comparably speaking. My advice is to closely follow your physician's orders and to especially keep track of your multiple daily b/g readings.

    With some people, the oral medications like metformin and glyburide lose effectiveness over time. This has happened to some in my family and so they were switched to insulin therapy as a result. I know of some people, although not in my family, that have successfully moved in the other direction. It's difficult to predict the course of the disease which makes it doubly important to track both short term and long term (H1Ac) b/g readings.

    Sad to say, there are some physicians that aren't good performers when it comes to diabetes management. This was true in my father's case and I had to get him a new doctor whose treatment plan has resulted in a big improvement (although it's also more expensive). If your b/g readings can't be stabilized at good levels and you're faithfully following doctor's orders, then got a new doctor. A decent physician like I've had for the past twenty years will help you over the long term and also properly bitch at you should you fall off the program.

  • LyinEyes

    It is really good to hear that there are people out there that live into their 80's with diabetes. In my family no one made it to 70 and I just feel like right now is the beginning of my life in so many ways that I don't want to be sick for the rest of it.

    I am reading every book I can on this and getting lots of good info.

    It is hard to balance the ration of food , when I love bread so, I can give up cigarettes, even beer, I don't care for drugs or pot, but my addiction has always been food. Now I know that the wrong foods are my enemy andI have to to do things alot different if I want to have a good life.

    Thanks for the encouragement,,,,,,,,,hugs dede

  • ferret

    I also have type 2 diabetes and have had it for about 10 years. I am also on metformin 500 two twice a day along with glyburide two times daily. It seems to be keeping it under control.

    There is a new (contoversial) med called Avandia which my wife is on, works quite well for her.

  • MegaDude

    This guy had diabetes. He doesn't have it now.

  • Sunspot

    I was diagnosed a year ago with type 2 as well. My thread on this is here:

    The folks here at JWD gave me EXCELLENT advice!



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Here's a very interesting informational site:

    Just click on "diabetes"

    It has a huge forum with input from people with similiar problems.

    take care...



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