They are utterly ridiculous. This is exactly the thing that they say brands Christendom as "false". Oh, but its different for us, we're somehow allowed to teach incorrect doctrine and spread misinformation. Brighter light my ass. Hopefully, a few more JWs will find themselves unable to swallow these new and improved interpretations and get themselves out.
Exciting announcements at service meeting
by truthseeker 61 Replies latest jw friends
This is even worse than what they are doing to the "organic" label. When a product with certain pesticides and antibiotics is allowed to be called "organic", it waters down the meaning of the term (as I am sure will happen when Codex Alimentarius takes effect in Jan 2010).
But what is happening in the Watchtower Society with the "heavenly hope" is worse. They definitively closed off the calling in 1935, except to replace those who turned apostate. Now, they are taking that down. They are doing it in ways that people cannot understand the original take, confusing them and setting them up to believe it always was this way. Plus, unlike the Codex thing, they are forcing the members to believe this even when it is blatantly altered.
This is enough to make me wonder where it will stop. I personally believe the 144,000 were filled long before 1874. Why would there be many called during the first century and resuming around 1874, with almost none between those times? Don't those mathematical dumbaxxes in Brooklyn realize that, if things went like the Bible indicated, there were probably more than 144,000 in the first century alone? Who do they think they are fooling with this one? Certainly not me. They had more than 144,000 before 100 AD, and they had plenty more until just before the Dark Ages. Plus, there had to be some during the Renaissance period. I wonder how they are going to sneak away from that.
At least Codex is somewhat easy for me to understand, and easy to figure out where they were before it passes.
"The 5/1/07 article isn't saying "the heavenly calling has started up again for the first time in 72 years.'"
But in effect, that is what's happening. It's called the heavenly HOPE for a reason. The HOPE goes with the calling. Before 2007 this hope was extended to essentially no one, so the expectation was that everyone is of the Other Sheep with very rare exceptions. After this year the hope opens up. JWs say they will not judge if a newly baptized "one" declares he/she has a heavenly hope. It remains to be seen just how many will jump onto the heavenly hope bandwagon. It will further be interesting to see how an individual's "hope" in this organization really comes from the top down. -
Boy it would be nice if they actually seriously thought about these changes, BUT SADLY, many will not. They will just "lap it up", and soon the Borg, will paint the picture that really it was the R&F that were wrong. Soon all of the earlier annointed teachings will be gone, just like Dust in the Wind. I also expect, many of the date teachings to be done away with that way, this "dog and pony show" can go on forever.
I miss my family, but I know, they will just eat this stuff up, they always have, I mean how dare you question the Governing Body's direction on matters. My father is so intelligent, it really bothers me that he doesn't use his brain on this. My two aunts are easily fooled, and well grandma isn't going anywhere because she's too old, and dedicated her whole life to being a JW. Some of my distant family has been "simplifying" their life, and selling assets and businesses to pioneer, etc., so I know they aren't going anywhere.
So.... this year when I partake, Sister BigMouth won't tell her quadrant of the KH, "he can't be one of the Annointed, look at his long hair and his beard." The same brown noses will suck up to the same false prophets, this time with More Light.
These constant 'new announcements", "new light", and "new understandingd" are so ridiculous.
I think the best thing to do if one believes in the Bible as being from Almightly God is to read and understand on our own as best as possible.
This cult activity by the WT Society and their constantly changing doctrines, etc has just made me sick to my stomach.
But in effect, that is what's happening.
Agreed, I expect the article will have that effect. I personally know of one person who was utterly convinced of his "heavenly calling" back in the mid-90's one year after his baptism, only to be talked out of it by zealous elders who went over & over & over again the WT reasoning on "surely, if Jehovah needed a replacement, he'd pick someone with a lot more time baptized than you have". He has reluctantly avoided taking the emblems ever since.
Will he change his mind now? How many more hundreds or thousands are in the same position?
Someone must've started reading Ray Franz' books.
Yes, that was my point. It was a hope that abruptly shut off in 1935 (such that it caused confusion in the 1936 Memorial, prompting further clarification later that year), such that for over 70 years (a lifetime according to the Bible), if one wanted to go into "God's organization," one had to have a different hope and destiny than those who were born earlier had the luxury of having. Now those born in 2007 onwards (or those born earlier under the old regime) can again freely (at least on paper) claim to be anointed in Christ, without being viewed as rare "replacements of those who became unfaithful". Now, the Society loves to find its "modern history" prophesied in the Bible. So what reason is there to think that God would have his organization shut off the anointing of the brothers into Christ and then restart it again. This is not a matter of human error in the religious scheme of things....if the Society is really God's organization, anointing is a spiritual matter, and they would be shutting off the way to heaven to those who deserve it if there is no biblical justification for it. The Society would be like the Pharisees condemened in Matthew 23:13: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves". Compare Matthew 16:18-19, in which Jesus gives his apostle Peter "the keys to the kingdom of heaven" with the authority that "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven". The Society would have to claim that they had autority to bind up the anointing on earth, or else they would be like the presumptous Pharisees of ch. 23.
New Understanding!??? Exactly when was this New Understanding revealed? To whom was it revealed? Was it revealed to a single individual or to a collective body? What do the Elders know and how do they know it? Why now and not sooner? Timing and dating go hand in hand. Where are we in the stream of time that makes this a New Understanding.
How do the scriptures in "THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION" teach one thing at one time and the complete opposite at another time?
This New Understanding is not New at all. The Bible reveals that "ALL" those who believe in Jesus and follow him go to Heaven.