You just got to love it! A very close relative of mine asked me a couple of years ago ( I was still in and an elder) what i thought about the younger GB, where they were heading,
all the emphasis on the FDS, etc... I hadn't started to fade but had been on this board and Freeminds and had read COC. My answer to him was simple: the new ones have inherited
a bunch of wild ass teachings that they are either going to have to defend or change. I think they'll change them, wouldn't you? What saddens me still is that you can see the blatant
dishonesty in all they do. You see their control and their need for power. They could just say that they're sorry, they don't know shit from shinola when it comes to prophecy,
and just want to serve God with a like minded group of people and live a moral life. But NO! They hang on to this exclusive channel of communication garbage and everything associated
with it. They act and breath with hubris and pretend it's all a revelation from God.
By their fruits you will know them. By all accounts, this bunch is rotten to the core.
Great thread.