>>Pom, you have inadvertently conceded the argument by observing the "cause" and effect relationship that proves my point. Your words above show that you know that God *did* "cause" their belief in lies to deepen.<<
At refusing the TRUTH that God sent. Your initial contention was God lied, not that liars believe lies whether shallow or deep, or the CAUSE.
They already believe lies. Just as those who believe truth believe truth.
The liars already had their lies. The truth lovers already had their truth. Deepening of either side does not change either side, as a lie is always a lie and the truth is always the truth.
>>You also have to admit that it was God's wish that the wicked suffer by not knowing the truth, so you can't argue that God was acting in good faith by sending them the truth.<<
God's will that the wicked suffer by means of the light of truth has nothing to do with your contention that God lied. In fact, it supports just the opposite.
John 3:19, This is the verdict: Light has come into the world [to the wicked, a powerful delusion], but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
>>God knew that by sending the truth it would deepen their belief in a lie. Since God is all-powerful, and therefore can do anything, God *could* have found a way for the wicked to know the truth, and not a lie, if God had wanted that to happen.<<
That would make God a lover of the wicked of which He is not. The wicked KNOW the truth. They refuse the truth. He doesn't force it, he shows it. The wicked have been shown it, they know it and they refuse it The wicked shall be destroyed. The all knowing and all powerful God has known from the beginning of Satanic rebellion who shall love truth and who shall despise it.
>>The fact that God didn't do this, but instead did what God *knew* would deepen their misunderstanding, the consequences suffered by the wicked were clearly *intended* by God.<<
Your all knowing and all powerful God knows that regardless of what TRUTH the wicked are FULLY shown, they will ALWAYS be wicked. They will piss on the truth. The will give the finger to God.
Isa 26:10
10 Though grace is shown to the wicked,
they do not learn righteousness;
even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil
and regard not the majesty of the LORD.
That is why they are to be destroyed. They are a hopeless lot, just like Satan. The truth to Satan is a powerful delusion, and it IS NOT the truth that caused Satan to be the father of the lie. It was his jealousy and covetness within HIM that caused the infective outbreak.
>>God deliberately deepened their belief in a lie, and that's the same as lying. If not, why not?<<
No it is not. If God sent Christ as light and the wicked refused him and loved their wicked lying ways even more, it seems it is the ones that refuse truth of their own accord who willfully plunge THEMSELVES into deeper darkness on their own because of their refusal.
>>Now, unless you can explain why you think that God did *not* intentionally deepen the wicked's belief in lies, you'll have to admit that God lied.<<
No, you have to admit TRUTH is the wickeds own demise. They were wicked before the truth, and were wicked after the truth. God hardened their hearts, and that is NOT a lie, he willfully proclaims that His truth will harden the hearts of the wicked, then they will be squashed.
Rom 9:18
18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
See that last part of the text above? God willfully had written down here what is echoed in 2 Thes 2. The truth of God WILL harden the hearts of the wicked, since he said it here, and shows he will do it there, the truth of him saying what he WILL do is not a lie, rather something the wicked despise [TRUTH] and causes them to be hardened. No lie, Just prophecy to be fulfilled.
>>However, to offer such an explanation, you'll have to explain why you've already admitted that God did "cause" the belief in the lies to deepen, but nevertheless don't believe that God caused the depth of belief in lies to increase. Can you do the impossible?<<
Rom 9:18
18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
Can you fight against God? Impossible. Why don't you tell Him your rules by which He has to live by.
>>>I'll explain it to you in other words to make sure that I'm making my point: Anyone who has the ability to impart the truth to someone, but who deliberately chooses not to do so,<<
The truth was NOT hidden Big Joe, nor was it deliberately chosen not to be revealed. The truth was FULLY revealed. The truth was shone like a light and REFUSED as a lie by the wicked. You are as usual twisting the topic.
>>and in fact does the very thing that person *knows* will deepen another person's belief in a lie, is telling a lie, is a liar.<<
No that is wrong, it is for the purpose of seperating and making a class distinction. The division of the weeds and the wheat. Sheep from the goats. The time for deviant people of perversion to be revealed as they are so they can be exposed as the true darkness they really wanted themsleves to be.
>>There's no getting around this. Now, you have to agree that God had the power to make the wicked know the truth,<<
He most certainly did that 2000 years ago. The truth of Christ was SHONE brightly. The Pharisees and their cohorts FLATLY rejected the truth. The Pharisees "knew" the truth as it stood right in front of them. THEY REJECTED TRUTH.
>>but he didn't use this power; instead, took another course of action which he knew would not let the wicked know the truth.<<
He sent his power Joe and YOU deny it. Just like the Pharisees. Christ was sent as a witness to the sheep and as a condemnation to the goats. Jesus Christ shall seperate by God's truth, those into everlating life and those into everlasting cutting off.
He will send his power again soon, and the wicked will STILL rather believe their lies. The truth to them is a lie. The truth to them is a delusion.
>>That's lying.<<
No that's truth. Of which you are a despiser of. Could it be that you are being hardened Joe? Could it be that God has POWER over little old you? You bet.
>>Unless you think the all-powerful god of the Bible was not powerful enough to make the wicked know the truth, you'll have to concede that this god lied.<<
The wicked refused Christ just as you do. he wicked will know the truth. They'll REFUSE the truth...and your heart may be turning to stone.
Rom 9:22-23
22 What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath-prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory-
What if He did that Joe? Like you're gonna stop it!!