In the "good old days" Prophecy flowed from the Watchtower like water. Remember the Revelation book. The king of the north and south was the cold war, there was no "conscience decisions" organ transplant is canabalism, no if's or buts. Do you feel that the prophets are now dead? Who is the king of the north/south, from 1989-2007 we have no answer??!! Their walking on egg shells after making so many mistakes and having to back track.
Since Fred Franz died Watchtower too scared to predict / prophecy???
by Witness 007 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They are "refiners" of prophecy.
They are probably glad Franz is gone but fearful that he might pass on bad information from his alleged heavenly throne.
They are lost, without a map and no idea which way to go. They still have hardliners, but the younger generations sees mainstreaming as the only means of financial survival. Eventually we will see more and more mainstreaming.
Franz was the last of the real thinkers on the Governing Body. He was more talented as a writer than he was as an administrator. When he died, the organization took on a much more elementary approach at everything, watering down the publications with a 3rd grade reading comprehension. Some say that the "Daniel" book was written by Franz before he died, but they just waited 7 years to release it. If you notice, it is completely different from any publication, post-Franz. It even has his creative touch to it. The Isaiah books, which are supposed to be similar to the "Daniel" book, are comletely different, unexciting, not theologically deep at all...completely different.
Freddie was able to arrange ordinary bullshit into complex and intricate patterns.
It still smelled up the place.
Some say that the "Daniel" book was written by Franz before he died, but they just waited 7 years to release it.
Who is this mysterious "some"? I've never heard of this.
Franz was in his late 90's when he died, he wouldn't have been mentally capapble of writing a new book for probably at least the last decade of his life. I doubt they had the book "in the can" for 20+ years before releasing it.
I suspect the difference in style has more to do with the fact that the book of Daniel is far more interesting to read than the snore-fest that is Isaiah.
I found this and posted it yesterday, but it seems appropriate here:
When the statistics indicate a couple of years of shrinking, I expect the new oracle to release
all new scrolls of ridiculous prophecy that will rival the stuff old Freddy wrote.The main one I await is the comparison to be made more obvious between the 120 years of
time leading to the flood, and 120 years of time leading to Armageddon. This will still fit the
timeline for the 7000-years creation day where Eve was created some years after Adam, but
the 7th day started before her sin. They have up until Adam was 130 years old and gave
birth to Seth to fit in having two other sons that grew to be teens or older.Adam could have been up to 110 or even more before Eve was created. She sinned right away.
She gave birth to Cain and Abel 9 months apart and they grew up to fulfill their part in
Genesis. Move 110 years forward from 1975, it all fits easily. See, writing like Freddy isn't
that hard. "Can we say the end will come within 120 years of Jesus' invisible arrival? Possibly."We could also monkey with "this generation" again- oh, never mind. Already done.
We could also monkey with "this generation" again- oh, never mind. Already done.
That's an insult to monkeys the world over !!