by Witness 007 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I predict that they are going to just keep trying. They are going to find a date a few years after each busted prophesy and try again. They are also trying that "It is about to happen within this year" lie--despite the number of times they did the "This is going to set off the Great Tribulation" line last year, nothing happened. The False Religion crapt did not set off the Tribulation--the churches are still very much alive.
Ultimately, they are going to play up 2034 like they did with 1975, with similar results. When that goes bust, they will blame the people for following it. Then they are going to squeeze the 110-year time, giving them until 2085 to squeeze as much money as they can out of the people before that goes bust, too. And then they will resort to that "They took too much stock in the date" lie and use that "It is going to happen with the next thing we do" to scare the people into staying in.
I hope with the number of recent events both within the Tower and without, that the law turns sharply against them. They already have laws that could be interpreted against the Watchtower Society (the same ones that work against those pyramid scams). If only they would start enforcing those laws, the whole Tower could be shut down. They would then have to work underground, and maybe the apostates could give them a taste of their own spy medicine.
In the "good old days" Prophecy flowed from the Watchtower like water. Remember the Revelation book. The king of the north and south was the cold war, there was no "conscience decisions" organ transplant is canabalism, no if's or buts
nut cases in the tower...that's really a very crazy view.
I find the w/t study articles and the latest book about Christ was written for children or babes in the truth, they don't have any depth anymore, and the childish way they are written is insulting.
"I find the w/t study articles and the latest book about Christ was written for children or babes in the truth, they don't have any depth anymore, and the childish way they are written is insulting."
I agree. But, amazingly, I used to still hear comments that it was still 'deep'. Dumbing down is a sign of the times. Even basic jokes are now 'explained' on USTV so the audience will understand.
,br>As for the Daniel book, it was so full of obvious bullsh** that I doubt Franz was involved. He knew how to spin it so fast it appeared plausible.
Trust me guys, the slave is very very capable of creating some awesome prophecies in the near future that may put Franz to shame.........after all......they have the internet now!!!!!!!!.....oompa