Remember: Every Kingdom Hall Has Dynamite Within

by metatron 34 Replies latest jw friends


    Why not get together a secret mission to steal the files? Every kingdom hall could be hit on the same week!

    Here's the plan. You get dressed up like a brother or sister and just say you're thinking about coming back. Suspicions about you are immediately dropped. You might even get re-instated that day! You case out the place during a Thursday night meeting. Then you plan your coup for one of the next three days.

    Saturday would be the ideal time. Usually there's more than one congregation meeting for service and you'll get lost in the mass of people. If someone questions you (perhaps someone you saw thursday night) just tell them you're attending the bookstudy. If there isn't one, feign stupidity and tell them you'll see them tomorrow and go to your backup plan or abort the mission.

    If you're not accosted, find a side door that you can prop open. Tape on the latch or a stick would do the trick. Be obvious when leaving. Now, you can return Saturday night after midnight. Take a large duffle bag, a flashlight, bolt cutters, and at least 12 small lock. Now, when you break the locks, remove all of the contents in the cabinets, and re-lock it with a good lock. That way, when the next brother walks by the cabinets they'll be locked as usual. Nothing suspicious. Some KH may have up to 4 congregations, so you'll need two bags or a partner to help you.

    Here's the important part; do not take the files back to your place. Put them at a storage locker in the mall, keep them at a friends house, or rent a small storage facility. This is a major coup de tat! KH's around the world will be up in arms. Do not touch the files until the heat dies down (approx. 6 months).

    Afterwards, you can do what you wish with the documents. Publish them on the net, send copies to the local police, extort the Org., ect.

    This would shake the Org. to it's foundation! Come on people! I've given you the blueprint! Who's in! Stop waiting for someone else and get pro-active!

    The Org. is too slow to get word out to every KH PO. Besides, by the time the brothers at the hall

  • neverendingjourney

    Current and former elders:

    Does this mean that every new elder that has ever gotten appointed at my old congregation now knows when and where I fondeled my ex-girlfriend?

    I always wondered that, but I assumed that only the elders on the actual judicial committee had access to those records, if any existed.

  • sir82

    Does this mean that every new elder that has ever gotten appointed at my old congregation now knows when and where I fondeled my ex-girlfriend?

    Probably not - but they have access to that information if they so desire.

    Most elders would have a key to the "secret cabinet". Some congregations run things a bit more tightly and only the service committee have keys.

    Theoretically, information on judicial cases is kept in a sealed envelope and not opened again unless "necessary" - a repeat offense after many years, for example.

    But a nosy elder at the KH with no one else around could very easily look at the contents of your file, tape it shut again, and probably no one would ever be the wiser.

  • neverendingjourney

    Thanks. That makes me feel a little bit better.

    Edited to add:

    However, theory and practice are often at different ends of the football field, so you never know. My old congregation's secretary kept his elder's book lying around the kitchen table and I would often find publisher cards all over his house. Needless to say, there's no guarantee that the judicial records are under seal if he's still in charge of them.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Your right. I had a friend who when he was finally made elder decided to look at the file they had on him. He was able to see how the CO's and BORG had held him back from being an elder for three years, despite the local body recomending him. The reason for them holding him back? He was at bethel and got on certain brothers bad side, so they kept responding that he needs to learn to trust Jehobar's earthly organization.

    Side note if you have ever been to bethel or served in a 'special' capacity, there is a file on you and any corespondance concerning you goes thru certain channels.

  • ninja

    I've got a ninja suit if anyone needs it

  • Gregor

    I for one would not be interested in an expose of committee matters. As I said above, I once had a notebook full of over 4 yrs of tears, heartbreak, broken marriages, gross injustices and so forth, all committee matters. When I think of the people involved it just makes me sad. I can't think of any decent reason to obtain them unless it was to destroy them.


    As a current Elder, several years ago (approx. 5 ) the files used to be in a cabinet but not locked by most congregations. COs never mentioned anything about them being locked. I would look at files of other congregations on a casual Saturday afternoon. Sitting in the library "doing research" or studying "publisher record cards" was a perfect setting for the "wandering eye". And then, a letter came from the Org. followed by the CO demanding that all file cabinets have a lock on them. I believe this was right around the time of the child abuse news break.

    Men are the worst housekeepers, and the Cong files are rarely cleaned out. I recall seeing bank statements from the 70's! Imagine what files are still in these cabinets!

    Usually, every elder has a key to the cong. files. Account records, judicial hearings, letters from the GB and Branch, Letters of Introduction, ect. They're all there. Nothing is kept by any one elder. All congregational items are in the congregational file.


    I never noticed *blind*. Well, wherever the KH's had them hidden in the ones I was in, I have no idea. I see one major flaw in keeping such trash....

    If people were forgiven for something, according to the Bible, it supposed to be forgotten. Forgotten in my opinion means, NO EVIDENCE LEFT BEHIND!

    Am I wrong?


  • wednesday

    I recall one Cong the secretary had all those files. he could jsut browse anytime he wanted.

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