I have a scan of the 2008 Watchtower

by RisingEagle 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    "Rightly Disposed Ones Are Responding".

    Only the Society would think of this as a worthy title of an article. "Wrongly Reposed Ones Are Snoring".

  • Leolaia

    "Counted Worthy to Be Guided to Fountains of Waters of Life". Another mouthful. Only looks good in comparison to this:

    "Counted to Be Worthy to Be Guided by God to New Jerusalem to Fountains of Waters of Life of Brian of Nazareth of Galilee of the Jews"

  • HAL9000

    Pay attention to your farts and teaching

  • RisingEagle

    I had no idea this was even real. I looked at it as a fake because the person that forwarded it to my relative is the same one that forwards all those 'inspirational' stories that jw's steal and re-write by replacing the word God with jehoover.

    For Neverending: Sorry that I don't have the whole thing scanned. This was just a teaser of the cover page. I'll keep checking to see if they get anything more in the future.


    Many thanks to ErynW for her kind help!

  • erynw
    Many thanks to ErynW for her kind help!

    Hey, us muppets gotta stick together. 'Twas nothing.

  • HAL9000

    Unless someone has being having a play with photoshop, it probably is genuine - the portugese (?) version posted a while ago had an identical format

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    now who is going to make these 'witness only' issues available in pdf format, just to stick it to em...

  • journey-on

    Without seeing the innards of this rag, you can see from the titles they have laid the basic groundwork for what they are going to emphasize through these "Study Editions" (aka Kool-Aid version).

    They basically said just by reading the titles:

    "You accepted a committment when you got baptized to this ministry. Now watch and pay attention to it. Don't be backsliding or slacking off! There's an art to this stuff and you've been neglecting it and it's showing in the numbers. Now get back out there with some fresh techniques and trust us: "there are still people that can be suckered in!" ARE YOU WORTHY?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! I SAID, ARE YOU WORTHY!? We, the FDS, can guide you to your reward, but you have to prove worthy. How do you do that? By getting back out there and pushing this stuff. Don't give up now! There's still money to be made people to bring into the fold!"

  • James Free
    James Free

    Thanks for the scan. If anyone can scan an entire copy of this WT I am sure many would like to see it, including me... :)

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Is there like strange things in the clouds and lightening? I think I am seeing a horseman with a sword! LOL I looked at too many of these pictures with strange art work! Hmm, Art!

    Ok Leolia I like you titles a lot better! Maybe they should hire you!

    Good Night!

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