I have a scan of the 2008 Watchtower

by RisingEagle 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Ah, never mind! it was just a white angel coming down to the tower! LOL sounds a little bit like Hollow-Christ day!

  • fokyc

    Sister Fokyc has just presented me with my very own copy!

    Can't wait to start reading it!


  • AlphaOmega

    Sister Fokyc has just presented me with my very own copy!

    Can't wait to start reading it!


    Is there any chance that it could just happen to "fall" into your scanner and end up here ?

  • valkyrie

    Does anyone else see a super-Christian motif running along the bottom of the new WT cover -- the one that carries on behind the open Bible?

    ..."x" (symbol for "Christ") and a string of stylised fish (symbol for "Christ"), in repetition...

    That is a strong retort for those who claim that JWs are not Christians!


  • Invetigator74

    These "Study Watchtowers" appear only as the Kingdom Ministry pamphlet , only in a magazine format.

  • Sirona

    I bet the first one is going to address the issues the GB is most concerned about. They know that everyone will scour over the first copy excitedly ("oh isn't this wonderful! the GB have provided us with special watchtowers"). Once the new format is commonplace they won't pay as much attention.


  • delilah

    lol, I just deleted it from my email.....what a co-inkydink....

  • Nosferatu

    Oh man, that looks so.... uhhhh. boring. It really does look like a KM in magazine format. I wonder if the cover is going to be the same for each issue. That's a lot of writing to be putting on the cover of a magazine.

    Also, they should be putting the paperback bible on the cover instead of the expired pigskin-bound one.

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    The study articles all seem to be four pages. That leaves the last four pages unaccounted for. Can someone with a copy post these article titles ... ?

  • Joker10

    Are the new 2007 Publishers figures reported on this issue?

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