On sending money and flowers to posters in loss . . .

by Happy Harvester 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    . . . if what is going on with this "trevorgate" thing is true, I think it is best to simply make a donation to a good cause, instead of directly to the person, unless you have absoulute, direct contact with the situation entirely.

    Because of my awakenings about all of my own family and JW mental health issues - and in light of the info I've come across today about Linda and Trevor - I am inspired to make donations to NAMI and other mental health organizations in the name of "Trevor S." and other deluded or abusive people who seriously need help.

    There are enough stressors and depressers in my life, without trying to help people who have imaginary problems, (although I don't doubt they too need help - just not the kind of help I can offer!).

    If a person or people are laughing at us for our desire to reach out, be humane, offer compassion and act as a family in the way that many of us have been denied by the WTB&TS, the person perpetrating the hoax is so deeply damaged that seeking to punish him/her is counterproductive; however, he/she definitely needs to be confronted and face the natural consequences.

    If they've benefitted financially in any way from such a hoax, they should find a way to pay it back to the people who were duped, or should be institutionalized where they can get the help they really need.

    This is very sad for everyone involved. It makes me sick.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I have met many posters from JWD. People were duped by this person, but you can't let one person make you cold hearted. I will continue to care, and help, if at all possible. I have been on the receiving end of emotional help. I don't know where I would be right now, if not for some people here at JWD.

    One bad apple, doesn't spoil the whole bunch.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I totally agree with you.

    Whatever need this scam fulfilled for this Trevor person, I like to keep in mind that there are lots of scammers on the net and this won't be the first, or the last, and the majority of JWD posters remain relatively unscathed (as far as monetary losses) as a result of this hoax.

    The US (and other countries) are knee-deep in investigating/prosecuting Internet crimes (i.e. Nigerian scams, especially), pedophiles, etc. and don't really have the inclination or investigative resources to find some dude who scammed people emotionally with a relatively small amount of loss financially.

    I think what this Trevor person was really trying to do was one, or a combination of, two things: 1) draw attention and sympathy; and/or 2) see how far he could take it while playing a mean joke on everyone.

    Let's not give him what he needs/wants. Just shut all posts down now and get on with business as usual. I believe we are feeding him what he wants most: attention; and the longer we ruminate on it -- the longer we ponder who, why, where, and how -- the more he gets off on it.

    It would be best for us if we deny him his platform.


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I totally, agree, HL. I'm just saying that if people are going to pull this kind of prank (or if they actually believe their imaginary dilemmas), it's a good idea to be very circumspect about how to help others in need.

    I've never been to an apostafest or personally met anyone on this board, and I sometimes wonder about whether or not I'm wasting my time, but regardless of whether or not anyone else's problems are real, mine are real, at least to me, and it's good to have a place to go vent and talk with people who have been there done that.

    True empathy and sympathy are never wasted because they help us grow, one way or the other; it's getting resentful or stingey over getting screwed once in a while that makes us all sicker. I'm very much into self-protection and boundaries these days, and want to heal myself, as much as I want others to be well, too.

    It's healthy to share, but it's not healthy to enable sickness; sometimes we do it unwittingly, I guess. That doesn't mean everybody's an impostor, but the nature of this board and the JW organization makes it challenging sometimes to feel safe and make true connections with others here.

    Anyhoo, this whole situation of fraudsters and impostors is a bummer and makes me feel more isolated than I already am. I hope I make some real friends here someday with whom I feel truly safe - to actually go out and meet them and talk with them - without worrying that I've made friends with someone who truns out to be mean-crazy as all get-out. I've had enough of that.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    So true, cg. I think I'm done with this.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I'm with you HH! I'm done, too! Don't feed the alligators, and they will go somewhere else.


  • eclipse

    I just wanted to let Happy Harvester know that this thread might have caused someone hurt.

    I am sure that Happy Harevester did not realize that there was another member on this board who is being helped by us on JWD.

    Here is the thread:


    I hope she does not think that you wrote this thread in reference to her situation, for that would be a shame.

    Despite the trevor incident, I will continue to support those ones that I care about even if I do not know them personally.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    eclipse - I was referring exclusively to the trevorgate issue, and making no allusions to any other situation on this board.

    There are a lot of legitimate people with legitimate problems here, I am sure.

    I am truly sorry if what I said above offended anyone with a genuine dilemma.

    It was NOT about or directed at anything other than the latest drama of Linda and Trevor because no one else on this board has ever given me reason to suspect they are untrustworthy.

    I just thought L&T were the real thing and am dismayed by it all.

  • eclipse

    Thank you Happy Harvestor...

    That is good to know.

    You have a big heart....

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Thank you, eclipse. I have more of a broken heart over all this mess with whackos here.

    I'm a little whacky myself, but I certainly know when people need help, they need help.

    I actually did see the eryn thread but felt suspiscious of it because of all this other mess with Trev & fullofdoubt.

    I am truly sorry if anyone was offended. I know there's a lot of trouble in a lot of peoples' lives right now, due to illness, isolation, economic problems, etc.

    It's truly sad when people play games and mess about with our emotions so that we end up feeling paranoid about being helpful or being ourselves.

    Hugs eryn!

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