Larry Craig ... Why I doubt he did it

by free2beme 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sorry, but I think he did it. Like others have mentioned, he has been dodging these kinds of rumors for years and he didn't plead innocent at first. He should have just been truthful from the start. It really bothers me that the Republican Party has become so blended with the extreme religious right. Let's face it, no matter what party, there's lots of both hetero and homo sexual hanky panky going on. Who are any of them trying to kid? As long as sex feels as good as it does there is going to be hanky panky in Washington and everywhere else.

  • Gopher

    Living in Minnesota and having used the airport facilities there a couple times this year (although not THAT particular bathroom), I had a "yuck" factor when the news came out that there had to be an airport sting operation there to ferret out the perverts. The fact that a "family values" senator got caught in the net and is now publicly whining matters little to me.

    He deserves the bad publicity though, especially for the fact that what he did runs counter to his anti-gay stance when representing his Idaho constituents. My assessment is that anyone who got caught in the sting, including him, knew what they were doing and why there were there.

  • littlerockguy


    I knew that was you EF before I saw your name

  • Junction-Guy

    The evidence was lacking. Both my Mom and Grandma (democrat minded) thought he was innocent too. Just about everything he did, my Mom and Grandma said they have done too. If he had exposed himself, outright asked for sex, then it would be different.

    The things he did, does not make him gay, nor do they make him guilty of the crime. The"concrete" evidence was extremely lacking.

    The fact that he is a family values senator makes him a target by the far left.

    As for the pleading guilty part, I work in law enforcement, and people routinely plead guilty to lesser charges like this in order to expedite the process and get out of jail quicker. Pleading Not Guilty, would require a trial and open up the possibility for more media coverage. People are told that if they plead guilty they will get out quicker, and most of them do that.

  • FlyingHighNow
    The fact that he is a family values senator makes him a target by the far left.

    As for the pleading guilty part, I work in law enforcement, and people routinely plead guilty to lesser charges like this in order to expedite the process and get out of jail quicker. Pleading Not Guilty, would require a trial and open up the possibility for more media coverage. People are told that if they plead guilty they will get out quicker, and most of them do that.

    Good points.

  • Gopher

    His "family values" stand makes it incredible that he would go to the specific area that was known for homosexual encounters and act in that way. There had been lots of complaints about that kind of activity at the airport, and there had to be a cleanup. So he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Too bad.

    He had plenty of opportunity to review his options about how to proceed, once arrested. He should have known full well that this news was going to get out, whether or not he pled guilty. Being a senator, he has enough of a background in law to know the score.

    Craig's behavior and subsequent back-pedalling and denial are the issue more than his location on the political spectrum.

    If Craig were a liberal senator caught doing the same thing, the "right" would be having a field day with him, and Rush Limbaugh would probably be doing "Larry Craig" updates with some funky theme music.

  • BFD

    OK, I've travelled the hershey highway and I also watched the ML interview. I think he knew he was guilty the day he was arrested and plead guilty to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct thinking the whole thing would just go away. If he wasn't guilty he would have fought it tooth and nail at the time.

    As far as whether he should resign well, that's up to him. I believe in September he said he would resign October 1st. He ain't going anywhere. Not the first time a politicain lied, won't be the last either.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Larry Craig is a closet homo, he presents himself is a clean right winged Republican but that was just an upfront image, just like many closet homo's I ran into

    at the Kingdom Halls and I personally think if he was innocent of the crime he was charged with he would have fought tooth and nail to clear his reputation to

    his pears and his family. It's pretty hard to fight an eyewitness cop who's under cover for this very crime, the odds are not in your favor.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis


    I am assuming by your avatar that you are male. The next time you are in a public restroom, try to replicate Mr. Craig's physical activities (as documented by the arresting officer), and see if that is a comfortable position. BUT, make sure no one is in the stall next to you!

    So, first, place your right foot under the right stall divider (the infamour "wide stance"). Next, take your LEFT hand, and place it under the RIGHT side stall divider far enough to show your wedding ring should someone be in the stall next to you.

    Now, is that a comfortable position in which to have a bowel movement?


  • Junction-Guy

    I dont believe he is a closet homo, I think he is a very uptight person when it comes to sex and probably only knows the missionary position. I think he is just an uptight person, and that is the feeling I got when I watched him do interviews back in September.

    I wish I was in Idaho, I would personally go and talk with him and hear his side of the story.

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