I don't know how to feel about this...

by coolhandluke 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    What I know of you and your values ... I think you should ask yourself what the impact will be to you and your emotions if you choose not to get involved. I think you should do what ever you need to do from the selfish viewpoint of how it will affect you and what you can live with ... longer-term.

    What was that I said about some of us needing the strength of 10 Herculean men? peace to you m-c

  • coolhandluke

    I swear K its like out of the frying pan and into the fire. If its not one thing its another. It will play out and I'll do what I can. You are usually not wrong though. Usually. You are too short for me to let you get a big head. It would just look weird on that body. The other effect to consider is the price for getting involved with someone who is sick but unwilling to change. I can't support that either. Time will tell.

  • Crumpet

    Killing your bratty sister - you have such a turn of phrase!

    I think Bisous is spot on, as always...sigh. How did she get to look so gorgeous, have superb business acumen, be supremely intelligent and have such humanity I'll never know, but always be thankful.

    You've kind of answered your own question. You are guarding your heart and that is why you don't feel as much as you might otherwise and you have had to do this to protect yourself. I sometimes try and imagine how I will feel when the news comes that one of my parents has finally passed away and I just can't feel anything. I imagine perhaps this is a little of how it is for you.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    If you feel nothing for him, nothing lost nothing gained. Apparently, you owe him nothing, so I wouldn't be so quick to worry about feeling guilt for someone who did nothing for you.


  • nvrgnbk

    Your mother is a gorgeous woman, chl.

    Good luck with your dilemma.

    I'm sure you'll figure things out.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    How do we know that's a real scooter? W.Once

  • flipper

    CHL, you seem to have your head on straight about this, in that it just isn't worth getting involved with an addict - ther's nothing you can do to help them with that, and as you've seen there is plenty of potential trouble. I think our feelings go through stages, feeling numb or whatever could be self- protection. It is amazing sometimes how a person's life will drastically change - sorry it happened with your dad. There's always the chance he will decide to get clean. Wish you well, take care of yourself. mrs flipper

  • Anti-Christ
    The truth is I love my dad for the man he was when we first met. The problem is that man has been gone a long time

    Your story touch me. In my family I have a lot of troubled people. The only thing I could say to you is to try and remember your dad for who he really is because when is on the drugs and alcohol it's not the real him, his brain is so altered that the man you know to be your dad is gone. If you believe there is still hope maybe you could see that man again. I think at this point it's out of your hands and there is nothing you can do any more, that could be hard to accept some times.

  • JWdaughter

    I am sorry your dad is going to have to go through this. One of my best friends died of aids when he was 25, in 1990. There are drugs now to help, but treatment of a chronic disease takes a will to live and something to live for. It is a sad thing to see someone that you care about (even in obligation) go through. I wish you both well.


    PS, they were a darling couple.

  • lola28

    That's really bad news and I'm sad to hear it. I don't know what else to say because I know that the relationship with your father has not been the best. Whatever you do make sure it's something that you will be able to deal with for the rest of your life. Don't do anything out of a feeling of obligation, as Bill Maher said "even dogs can make babies" the fact that he is your father does not mean that you owe him a darn thing, he owed you a lot too and he really fell short on his end, right?


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