I had no reason to ever question the validity of who Trevor and Linda were. I believed. Isn't that what friends do, TRUST? support?
I considered them to be my friends, I extended friendship.
I can't begin to understand how this happened. I refuse to blame it on the internet. Some of the best freindships I have cultivated, started from a Hello at a discussion board, chatroom or email.
My ex-husband wound up being a fraud. Hell, I slept with him and had five kids with him!!!
Trevor wound up being a theif. A thief of my time. Any time I spent, making drawings, each line painfully drawn to give to a woman at the end of her life, sending emails to other posters, going to the gift shop, going to the post office, saying.........not today to my daughter, last weekend, to grieve and help other posters grieve a fictious death.
I have been in the audience and a particapant in this great escapade. What a drama! No Hollywood movie has had me so captivated. Trevor deserves an Oscar, a comedy, tragedy, love story, throw in some religion, a death, throw in some mystery .........WOW a best seller! I want my royalties!
Sadly, I may have not learned anything from this, I will continue to love and reach out.
I will say this,
I will never sit at my msn messenger again and think, Brits are a bit weird about how they do things and dismiss it!!!!!! LOL If its weird to this southern girl from Arkansas, its gonna be weird all over the world!!!!!!!!
Warm hugs to my fellow friends,