Share one or two interesting things about you we probably didn't know

by Gopher 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldtraveller

    If anyone here has seen the recent Fantastic 4 movie-look for the scene where the thing was entering the nightclub. You well see some paparazzi with cameras at the left side of the entrance. I'm the one with the big camera that does not have a flash. There's also a clean shot of me (4 seconds) doing a walkby in last years movie Deck The Halls.(should be out on video in a few weeks). 2 other films to be released shortly.

    Background performing doesn't pay a lot, but it is fun. Usually a nice lunch provided as well.

  • Gopher

    OTWO -- I highly recommend both Niagara Falls and Yellowstone Park.

    Minimus -- Hi up there!

    Freedom Frog -- Bird rescue sounds so fascinating. I used to have pet parakeets/cockatiels and know birds can be great friends.

    Zack -- Gulp! Jumping from a plane sounds scary.

    Fifi -- I envy world travellers like you.

    Tnangel -- I really hope you can go on vacation some time.

    Worldtraveller -- Did they film F4 in or around BC?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hmm, nothing much interesting really.

    I'm in my final year of studying for a theology degree.

  • quietlyleaving

    I'm left handed

  • Gopher

    Sad Emo,

    Now that is INTERESTING !! How did your previous association with JW's affect your theology studies? What different things did you learn in theology study that surprised you, based on your earlier background?

  • Gopher

    To the left-handed Quietlyleaving :

    A left-handed friend of mine (who occasionally posts on this board) shared this nugget with me (from :

    The etymology / background of the word SINISTER:

    Left handers have been thought to be odd in the past, while right handers have been normal and even good. The Latin word "sinister" is a variant of the word "sinistra" meaning left handed in Latin but meaning evil in English. Meanwhile the word "dextra" meaning right handed has given us the word dextrous meaning good or deft with your hands.
  • worldtraveller

    To Gopher- there were many movies filmed in and around Vancouver. F4 was filmed here and there. Battle in Seattle was filmed here as well. Check you tube for that one as well as Postal-a very bizarre movie should be out next month I believe. Worked on many tv shows as well. Check out the L word- and a new show called Reaper. I worked on a movie last month called The Watchmen. A movie that will be out next summer or so. Did a tv show last month called The 4400-some wierd sci fi show with the main character looking like Jesus. There were and continue to be many more I hope.

  • tribalgirl

    Hmmm...let's see. I have been in a tribal bellydance troupe for 5 years, just recently quit the troupe, but still bellydance.

    I am also left-handed.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    ql - another leftie here too!!

    Gopher, I've never been a JW but did study with them and still get the literature. However, I've still found it very challenging - there are in fact some doctrines which JW's do have right, but which aren't being taught in mainstream Christianity, my latest big revelation for example was the nature of and im/mortality of the soul. I find it weird that the theologians and clergy actually learn what the JW's believe - but they don't preach it in church.

    So if anything it's shown me that there may be a great deal of hypocrisy in the mainstream too and I do believe there is an element of control through fear being exercised. Some churches are telling people what they want to hear ('comfortable Gospel' theology) whilst others scare the crap out of their people ('repent or be damned' theology)

    Anyway I don't want to hijack this great thread by going onto another topic, so just some brief thoughts there

  • Gregor

    On weekends I am the Conductor on a luxury dinner train. On Sat evenings about halfway through the 32 mi. trip. we stop briefly and I open a side door to allow the troup of actors to board for the Murder Mystery. Passengers almost always suspect that I am the murderer but I do not participate in the show.

    I am ambidextrous. Eating/writing left only. Sports, right only. Hand tools and fondling, both hands. I almost always use a dinner knife and fork while eating.

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