Share one or two interesting things about you we probably didn't know

by Gopher 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I'm going to be CEO of my own jeans company. No lie, the business plan is almost done.

    Years ago I was a design assistant for a small swimwear company called Ujeana and I was back stage at their annual swimwear competition once. I'm a girl but I never had realized the breast comes in so many different shapes and sizes.


  • Gopher

    Only one thing I can say about all this.


    I'm glad I asked. There are so many interesting things people have done or have planned!

    (I hope there'll be more who share.)

  • free2beme

    I see dead people!

  • changeling

    Ninja: I love the number 19, but I don't do the counting thingy in my head.


  • Bobbi

    I love to crochet and garden.

    I can't just in the garden and enjoy it either, I am always mucking around.

  • NotaNess

    You might have seen me on tv with Patrick Swayze in the 80's. I might even be on your video shelf.

    I've lived in 5 states, no family in the military.

  • blueviceroy

    I like to rehab dogs with behavioral problems and I am a very accomplished cook

    I'v built some of the largest custom homes on the emerald coast with my own two hands and some helpers

    I am teaching my offspring to be humans rather than mindless members of the human race ( thats the best one)

    I'm helping my wife become who she truly is (thats my other favorite one)

  • changeling

    I have a crush on blueviceroy!

  • Gretchen956

    1. At one point in my life I suited up and went into radiation zones to do inspections.

    2. At another point in my life I was producer for a small almost no budget documentary about PUREX (Hanford Washington Plutonium Purification Plant - that's not the acronym, I don't know what that stands for, but thats what the function of the place was). PUREX was decommissioned and mothballed. We gave the VHS tape to every employee that "worked themselves out of a job."

    3. I modeled one time in my early 20s at a bridal show.

    I think those are pretty much the oddest things that no one on here probably knows about me.


  • *summer*

    I consider 'cooking' a it!

    I am also left handed.

    I was blessed with twins...a boy and a girl.

    I have a small tatto...a japanese character that means 'summer'

    I have a very simple life...and life is good*

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