Mom used to laugh when I, as a little boy, would look into the mirror and ask my reflection, "Why am I so uggily?" Well, I should have felt some reassurance when Auntie Rose took me into her capacious arms and declared, "You're a cute little fart!"
Certainly the old dear was dotty as well as biased toward me - rightly so, I would imagine. Eventually I got on with my life and threw myself into interests peculiar to myself, thereby becoming less concerned about my appearance.
Then, however, happened the teen years - suddenly one's reflection becomes the focal point of the morning pre-school ritual. Why can't I look like Anthony Adonis? Then I wouldn't have to work so hard pulling all the loose parts together every morning.
Fast-forward forty years - I'm just grateful that I clean up pretty nice! My main concern now is that I remember to wear my glasses while shaving - I hate finding later in the day all those bristly spots I missed ... when I even bother to shave....
AND YOU? What about your reflection in the mirror?