Quote of the Day

by purplesofa 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Something is always on the verge of happening. - nvrgnbk

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    shit happens

  • nvrgnbk

    An elder who lives nearby has decided to be play the twat with me recently. - jambon1

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~Ram Dass

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Repent or be damned -

    any fundy Christian who believes that the AV Bible is the only true version cos its the one Jesus read.

  • nvrgnbk

    The phone rings. I quickly toss the romantically wrapped two-can-play-that-game erotic toy I've purchased for my date onto the passenger seat and take the call. The breathless voice on the other end squeals urgently "don't be late, big boy, I'm wearing something special for tonight". I grin, not knowing exactly what BlackPearl will greet me at the door wearing; but knowing it won't be much.... - SixofNine

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    He who has seen present things has seen all, both everything which has taken place from all eternity and everything which will be for time without end; for all things are of one kin and of one form. ~Marcus Aurelius

  • Sparkplug

    "Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds."

    ~Albert Einstein

  • fifi40

    Your thoughts are the architect of your destiny.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    "We're doomed. Doomed, I tell ya!!"

    Chuckie, Rugrats

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