Message board ranks...who cares?

by Burger Time 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Snakes please read the other posts I made..maybe I was not clear about it but I was just venting a bit about it. I honestly am not that distraught over this. It's just something as I stated before that grates my nerves, and I am sure a few other people on this board find it a bit annoying. I wasn't trying to insult or piss anyone off just letting others who might feel as I do they are not alone. Nor am I am trying to get rid of it. The Karma/point system was just a bit of a common example.

    *edited to note- I should have finished reading your post before I go writing my own! I just noticed the kudos you gave to me for my rant.

  • Paralipomenon

    Compared to other forums, there is very little "rank discrimination" here. Sometimes people get mocked for having a high post count but the cases of people being mocked for a low count are rare. Sometimes it's just someone being spiteful, other times it is the poster who is new to the forum and is trying to change the dynamic around.

  • Sunspot
    I left the Borg because I was tired of being measured...

    I was tired too, of not feeling as if I was "doing enough" or constantly hearing the "DO MORE" mantra every meeting....but I have never equated the number of posts here on JWD as the "more" of the WTS. To ME----that is ricidulous!

  • changeling

    Sounds a little like the Society's reason for not celebrating Bdays. "We must not exalt any individual above Jehovah" LOL

    Lighten up, darlin. They are just numbers, and peope get a kick out of announcing someone's "new status". It's all in good fun.


  • erynw

    I have light saber envy.

  • changeling

    Eryn: I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole!

    No pun intended.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Here eryn:

    but you have to put it away till you reach jedi k?

  • zeroday

    Pad my post numbers?

  • zeroday
  • zeroday


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