Trick or Treat anyone?

by lovelylil 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Is there anyone on the board who is celebrating Halloween for the first time this year?

    This is my 2nd Halloween I am doing since leaving the borg (almost 4 years ago now), but it is the first time I am decorating the outside of my home as well as giving out candy. I hope some jdubs come by and work my street during the Halloween season. It will give them something to talk about at the local kh. You know how sister Lilly is now a pagan and worships satan........hee, hee. Lilly

  • megsmomma

    This is the first time I get to go "trick or treating" with my baby!! She is only 1 1/2 though, so I don't think we'll go to too many doors...I certainly don't need the candy!! LOL...

    What are your kids going as?

    Megan is going to be a little sheep. I was thinking of painting her face like a wolf for a laugh, but she's too young for face paint I think.

    BTW...It is nice to have you back here!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    You mean the evening when adults scare the shit out of children and then give them candy which they consume only to give them a stomachache

    and possibly give them cavities on their teeth.

    Why does the better amount of society in N. America today celebrate a supposed Druid festival which of course was pagan in origin

    and human scarifies were performed as part of this festival

    The social responsibility toward our children doesn't present itself in my opinion

  • momzcrazy

    My family decided to celebrate this year, our first. But we drew the line with the really violent costumes. They are having tons of fun dressing up and being someone different.

    My 12 yr old girl is a flapper, 9 yr old girl is a hippie and my 2 yr old son is Diego.

    We are even trick or treating and we have orange lights and jack o' lanterns on the porch.

    Course, the brothers don't know yet that we are leaving, so much for fading away!

    PS after trick or treating we are going to have a bonfire and sacrifice the family pets.

  • Bobbi

    This is our first year.

    Our kids are going as a wizard, a knight and a monkey.

    We are joining our friends to trick or treat in thier neighbourhood after we clean out ours.

    Don't worry Homer, we won't let the kids eat all the candy at once. If fact the way I control sweets in this house they'll prolly still be eating it next year.

    Also I'll wait until they are older to explain druids and sacrifices to them, and then,IF they want to, they can join us.

    Hummm, note to self, catch human sacrifice.


  • lovelylil

    My son is trick or treating, he is 12. This may be his last year. He did it last year too. My daughter is 15 now so she won't be going. She will help me hand out candy.

    btw: for the person who wants to know why celebrate a pagan druid festival - because it is fun for the kids that is why. And about the sacrifices done on that day in the past- well, that was then, this is now. And no one is sacrificing anyone on Halloween today. So please get a grip.

    If you tried to sit down and think of everything pagan in our Society, you would run out of time counting. You can include things like wedding rings, our calender, the names of the days of the week and much more. For me, it does not matter what something ONCE meant. It matters what it means to people now only. And btw. pagan means pre-christian but is not necessarily something bad. Of course the Watchtower will gladly tell you otherwise because they want all your time tied up in following them and not spending time with family or friends during any holidays. This is just my 2 cents worth. Lilly

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I was thinking of celebrating this year, but am unfamiliar with the nuances of Halloween. Tell me, what sort of costume is appropriate for a 28 year old man to wear when trick or treating? Is it in bad taste to specify which forms of treats are acceptable?

  • Insomniac

    We don't have children, so it would just be silly for my man and I to celebrate Halloween, right?

    Hah! I decorated the outside of our house with fake spiderwebs yesterday, and carved three jack-o-lanterns- two big ones and one tiny one, to represent him, me, and our kitty cat. I'm considering getting some gauzy fabric in the city tomorrow, to make "ghosts" to hang from the trees.

    I also celebrate Samhain, which is quite a bit more solemn, so I tend to make Halloween extra-super-silly. I only wish we lived in a place where we'd get some trick-or-treaters, that would be fun!

  • momzcrazy

    My 33 yr old husband is going to party as Ozzy Osbourne. I tried for a pirate but no luck.

    If you are part of a couple there are always the plug and socket, lock and key, ketchup and mustard themes.

    Hubby is manning the house with his two drinking buddies, in charge of candy distribution. I thought tooth brushes would be a nice change.


  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    My son has been going trick or treating for the past few years since we quit. But this will be the first year I will be giving out candy from my door. I can't wait! One year, my son, got a Bill Clinton mask and dressed in his suit. Instead of saying "Trick or Treat", he said, "I didn't cheat on my wife". People would laugh and he would get extra candy!

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