by stillajwexelder 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    I keep hearing - recently at a circuit assembly and also in the New Jan 15th WT the phrase - progressive.

    Now I know people will argue that the GB are very conservative and NOT progressive but we (active JWs) keep being asked are we progressive? This is because of all the changes (progression) vs. continuation of the past. We all know changes have been made and are on the way - some have been announced officially but I truly believe the Rank and File are being [prepared for yet more changes - hence progressive as the phrase of the moment. Conservative seems to be so last century

  • journey-on

    See. You're too smart to stay in that cult. You have insight and can read the WTB&TS a mile away. You "see" and "hear"

    with clarity. They always lay the groundwork several months in advance. They begin to "work" the soil of the mind, raking

    out the old debris, getting ready for what's about to be planted. Then they plant the little seeds and watch to see how they

    will sprout. They water them a little more, clean out the weeds of doubt a little more, then BAM! There's the NEW LIGHT

    and the RANK AND FILE have been prepared to receive it.

  • 5go

    It aslo could be that being a NEO-conservative is out, being progressive is in.

  • Gopher

    Change isn't always progressive.

    The political scale goes like this:

    RADICAL --------- LIBERAL/Progressive --------- MODERATE/Centrist -------------- CONSERVATIVE ---------- REACTIONARY

    I'd say the changes the WTS is making are REACTIONARY. They're playing defense, reacting to try to prop up their cultish publishing house.

  • hillary_step


    Now I know people will argue that the GB are very conservative and NOT progressive but we (active JWs) keep being asked are we progressive?

    That is because the GB know that they will need to foist some very dramatic doctrinal changes on the rank and file sooner rather than later, and the "progressive" footsoldiers are being groomed to accept these changes without so much as a squeak of "non-progressive" dissent.


  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    And as usual "progressive", in this case, really means going backwards.

    sorry, couldn't resist!

    Control the language, control thought.

  • Gopher

    If an entire group (such as JW's) is marching backwards, and you're standing still -- you ARE making progress, in relation to that group.

  • RollerDave

    I always thought the political spectrum went:

    Full-Bore Marxist Commies ----- Unwashed Hippie Pinkos ----- Spineless ratbastards ----- Fatcat Capitalist Pigs ----- Fascist Militia Wingnuts

    I'm a pretty solid fat cat capitalist pig, myself.


  • sir82
    some very dramatic doctrinal changes on the rank and file sooner rather than later


    I can imagine things like dropping 1914, modifying blood transfusion issues, changing D-F issues, but that would all be speculation. Sadly, I have no "Bethel insider" friends

    Any ideas that might be a bit more solidly-based than just "speculation"?

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    The Peoples Progressive Truth(TM) Generator says:

    "Roller Dave, you are an exploiting corporate criminal because you think that Western society has had a positive effect on civilization!"

    So there!

    As far as the WT being conservative, I've been reading the literature that was given me a few months back by a brother I knew when I used to attend. I was surprised to see some of the rags they quoted. Pretty lefty sources, IMO.

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