Whenever I heard of witnesses talking about someone
(often a son or daughter) who has "fallen away" from The Truth,
they always say in a sort of wistful sigh, "Well we just
hope that some day he/she will wake up and come back" Obviously I know of disfellowshipped people who have
come back, but when it come to falling away purely because
of doubt and disillusionment, have you ever known someone
who was properly exposed, and became convinced by, criticism
against the Watchtower to decide if was not the truth, leave,
only to COME BACK later? It just feels like there must be a point of no return...
Where even if you are not actually considered an apostate,
you sympathize with their position enough to be enlightened
past childhood certainties. So, It seems unimaginable to me, but has it ever happened? [inkling]
have you ever known a apostate to "Wake Up"?
by inkling 30 Replies latest jw friends
I've never known of anyone considered to be an "apostate" to go back to the JWs. I knew quite a few who were DF'd for other reasons who eventually got reinstated, but they never seemed to be as serious about the beliefs afterward. It's as though they realized it wasn't "the truth" but went back solely to restore family connections.
It's as though they realized it wasn't "the truth" but went back solely to restore family connections.
This sounds plausable.
I would have to separate the ones you speak of out of this group:
people who acted as if they had accurate knowledge of Apostasy then changed
their mind and said the actual accurate knowledge is in the religion or said the
world has nothing to offer.When I dissect that group of people, I would find that the vast majority only SAID
and didn't MEAN that the religion has the truth, or the world has nothing to offer.
Remove the fake former apostates, and I doubt there are too many, still there
must be a few. Afterall, I have read some lifestories that said there were. We all
know the WT only prints accurate lifestories and QFR. -
Nope, Aside from the aforementioned folk who go back for family, I have never heard of anyone who became convinced it wasn't the truth, and then went back to believing it was after all.
Not that I know of. But I only know about myself. I havent read about it here.
It would take an act of God to get me to believe in God or the bible.
My sister left for two years and missed her friends so she went back. When she was out she did all the holidays and experiemnted with recreational pharmacueticals. However I am getting strong signals tha she may be starting to fade. Her husband (elder) has cancer and I have a deep suspicion that if he does not survive it she will leave.
They woke up, thats why they got out. Apostates are running the Watchtower Society.
Ditto. Most likely due to family.
I have never known a real "
apostate"enlightened person who went back in the belief that they had been wrong to leave.. I have known some, even on here, who decided that the pull of family and grand parenting was strong enough to get them back to the K H and fake it . That is understandable.When I was around 20 I left the faith for a bit. I did not have the knowlege that I have now. I had no strong feelings about knowing it was wrong, I just had had enough of the routine , so I sampled "the world". My lack of social skills and inability to mix readily with people who didn't wear a shirt and tie on a Sunday ensured that after a few moths I went back - for company and some purpose ...as I saw it. Once back in the old routine I picked up the faith quite easily. But I had never been a real informed non believer.
I could not go back now. If my whole world depended on it , I could not believe in things that I know to be false..I could not teach them to others. I do go to the K Hall, to assist and accompany my wife, but I merely sit and sometimes listen . The locals seem to tolerate me