If somebody was disfellowshipped for "apostasy" but then had a change of heart and wanted to get reinstated, would they even be ALLOWED to? I mean, didn't we just have a recent WT about "unforgivable sin" (being, of course, "apostasy")?
have you ever known a apostate to "Wake Up"?
by inkling 30 Replies latest jw friends
No I haven't. I have heard a few people who indicate that they're very happy to be out say 'never say never' with regards to the chance of them going back. I actually find it difficult to talk to them after that because I think that no matter what they might say, they're still just as sensitive to any criticism of the org as they ever were, and their aposta-radar is still on full power. I've got a few friends who are kind-of-but-not-quite-out like that, and I'm finding it's better to not try to engage them in a big conversation.
Personally, I'm glad that my family knows now that they can't expect me back. It's good that they're not living in hope of that.
have you ever known a apostate to "Wake Up"?
no. i have never seen one who left and was concidered an "apostate" by the dubs ever return.
honestly said:
Those of us who left the cult over doctrinal and logical differences and went to Jesus are not apostates.
do you that mean that those of us who left over doctrinal and logical difference and DIDN"T got to jesus ARE apostates?
You sure know how to close up a thread!
I knew of one woman. When i was a kid she was really "bad". she would come running into the KH screaming that it was all lies. She would picket outside the hall and at assembly's. among other things. Long story short, One of my last meetings right before i "left" the "truth" she came walking back into the kingdom hall.. I remember everyone staring and they were all shocked as it had been 20 years since anyone had seen her. She was quiet and listened to the talk.. and after she got up and left quietly. She has no family or friends in the "truth" So it was kind of random for her to start doing that again. Last i heard she was reinstated and doing "well". I would like to think mental illness brought her back?
One estimate is that only about one in 1000 that become apostate ever return. And that may be a high estimate due to those returning solely for personal gain.
It is also possible for someone to go apostate, and then later return solely for the power trip it gives them. If they can work their way up, they may have a share in ruining lives, and that is what they are after. For such ones, it doesn't matter whether it's the truth or not. They are going back because they want to ruin lives, not save them. In practice, this is quite rare since most people that want to ruin lives will stay in even if the religion is blatantly wrong.
I can answer from experience that I was disfellowshipped but still believed it was the "Truth" so went back and was reinstated. Now that I know it is nothing but a deception I couldn't possibly go back even though it would be better because I risk losing my family. I can't live a life of pretense, it's just not in me .
AK - Jeff
I can't imagine what kind of hell one would have to endure to make such an effort to return. Once one is branded with the most severe term applied to one who dares leave - APOSTATE - how could you sit there in the back of the KH, everyone refusing to greet you until the kangaroo court officials decided that you were sufficiently repentant to return to the flock? Then pop - on comes the light - you sit the meeting thru with all the brain-dead Jw's refusing to speak to you - then at the very end of that meeting they announce that you are reinstated. All the Jw's reach into their bags and retrieve a nice plastic smile and begin hugging you as if you had been ressurected.
I could not ever do that. The Bullshit meter would be blaring for the entire time. I would be examining the reality of what I was returning to as I sit there for months or years waiting for three self appointed judges to decide I was ok to speak with, and actually acknowledge.
Nope - even if I ever began to suspect that they were actually right and I was actually wrong - something that isn't going to happen - I would rather die and be fed to the carrion birds - than to live forever with such self righteous asses for eternity.
Wouldn't that be ..."returning to the VOMIT.?"
As an apostate , Didn't you make the unforgiveable sin ? That being against the holy spirit.
I may be wrong but that is what I understand was the deal.